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Home / Al-Ihsan Shareef / 1/11/1438


Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta’aala dictates, “You do not follow Kaafirs (Disbelievers) and Munafiqs (Traitors).”

How could Muslims follow GMT where it is strictly forbidden in both the sacred Quraan Shareef and the sacred Sunnah Shareef to follow Kaafirs (Disbelievers) and Munafiqs (Traitors)? It is mention worthy that even the Non-Muslims do not want to follow the GMT imposed by the British despite belonging to the same religious group. So, it is beyond questionable for Muslims to avoid it. Therefore, it is a must for Muslim countries to avoid the GMT based time zone and establish “Sacred Ka’aba Shareef” based time zone.

Moreover, Saudi Arab has to take the lead in this. It is noteworthy that all the Muslims of the world must remember one thing very well that “all the Kaafirs (Disbelievers) are the utmost enemy of the Muslim.”

-Qawl Shareef: Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Immamul Umaam ‘Alaihis Salaam

1st ‘Zilqa”d Shareef, 1438

Focal Wali-Allah of the age, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhyus Sunnah, Qutwubul A’alam, Mujaddide A’azwam, ‘Qwaiyumuz-Zaman, Jabbariul Awwal, ‘Qwawewool Awwal, Sultanun-Naseer, ‘Habeebullah, Jamiul Alqab, Awladur Rwasool, Mawlana Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam says, Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta’aala dictates, “You do not follow Kaafirs (Disbelievers) and Munafiqs (Traitors).” Then how could Muslims follow GMT where it is strictly forbidden in both the sacred Quraan Shareef and the sacred Sunnah Shareef to follow Kaafirs (Disbelievers) and Munafiqs (Traitors)? It is mention worthy that even the Non-Muslims do not want to follow the GMT imposed by the British despite belonging to the same religious group. So, it is beyond questionable for Muslims to avoid it. Therefore, it is a must for Muslim countries to avoid the GMT based time zone and establish “Sacred Ka’aba Shareef” based time zone. He delivers the above mentioned Qawl Shareef during lecturing on what the Muslims should do about and learn from the recent rise of awareness regarding avoiding the British-imposed Greenwich based time zone among the Non-Muslims.

Mujaddide A’azwam Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam adds, the Paris based “International Bureau of Weights and Measures” aka BIPM has proposed to determine the time with the help of “Atomic clock” avoiding the GMT of the British. They offer, let us not determine the time based on the rotation of earth around the sun but with the help of atomic clock. In spite of the defect of Greenwich Mean Time, the whole world has been calculating the time based on it for last 130 years.

Mujaddide A’azwam Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues, in 1884 when the voting between 25 countries took place on establishing the Prime Meridian on the Greenwich, Brazil and France refrained from giving vote and France did not determine their time zone according to GMT in 1911. After 130 years, France is again opposing GMT for the same reason as in GMT is defective.

Mujaddide A’azwam Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam describes, Turkey was the only Muslim country which represented in the International Meridian conference. Today, there are more than 50 Muslim countries and Muslims inhabit all the countries of the world. So, why should Muslims determine time according to GMT?

Mujaddide A’azwam Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues, one rotation of earth around the sun is calculated as a year. The velocity of earth around the sun is not always the same; sometimes it increase, sometimes it decreases. So, sometimes it takes less than 24 hours, sometimes it takes more than 24 hours to finish one rotation. Therefore, one often ends up making mistakes while calculating time according to GMT. In order to solve this problem, again the British invents a new system in 1972; that is “Co-ordinated Universal Time” (UTC). However, UTC also has some defects. Every now and then a leap second is added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Mujaddide A’azwam Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues, the British are trying to modernize so that they can save their GMT, again the French are opposing them. However, there is no sign of realization among Muslims. Muslims should realize that determining the time according to Greenwich is pointless. Determining the Prime Meridian on the Greenwich is totally impractical; that place has neither any geographical nor historical importance. Therefore, rulers of all Muslim countries should establish “sacred Ka’aba Shareef” based time zone in their countries avoiding the GMT and persuade the world to follow it internationally. In a word, all the Muslims of the world must remember one thing very well that “all the Kaafirs (Disbelievers) are the utmost enemy of the Muslim.”

Mujaddide A’azwam Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam sums up, Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta’aala is Khwaaliq, Maalik and Rwabbul A’alameen. Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta’aala is the master of all. And the sacred house of Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta’aala, the sacred Ka’aba Shareef, is under the care of Muslims. Therefore, the order of sacreed Quraan Shareef and sacred Sunnah Shareef is that the time zone of the whole world must be determined based on the “sacred Ka’aba Shareef.” Moreover, logically it is also most acceptable. Saudi government should realize it more than anyone.


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