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Taraweeh prayer and Tahajjud prayer aren’t the same. (6)

Sixth: The Imam Mujtaheeds acknowledged Taraweeh and Tahajjud as two separate prayers in the scriptures. For example, it has been stated in the book of the Humble Mazhab ‘Al Mukannat’ that-

التراويح وهى عشرون ركعة يقوم بهافى رمضان فى جماعة ويوتر بعدها فى الجماعة فان كان له تهجد يوتر بعده.

Meaning:- Perform 20 rakaats Taraweeh prayer with jamaat during Ramadan and later perform Bitr prayer with jamaat as well. And if someone has the habit of performing Tahajjud prayer, then to perform Bitr after Tahajjud prayer.

Therefore, if Taraweeh and Tahajjud were the same, then there was no need to specifically mention Tahajjud. Therefore, this also proves that the two mentioned prayers are separate. It can also be understood that Ha’drwat Imam Ahmad Inbe Humble Rwahmatullahi Alaihi also agress that they are separate.

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