Noor-e-Mujassam, ‘Habeebullaah, ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam declares, “The truthfulness brings lives for the mankind and the lie destroys”
Gausul ‘Aazwam Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi ‘Alaihi spoke the truth even in a very adverse situation and was strict to the truth forever. SubhanAllah. Everyone should therefore gather knowledge from His life and work and follow Him, always speak the truth, be strict to the truth; and avoid the lie. All these be the cause for salvation in this earthly and afterlife.
Qawl Shareef: Saiyiduna Ha’drwat Imamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salam.
20 Rwabius Sani Shareef, 1439
Focal Wali-Allah of the age, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhyus Sunnah, Qutwubul A’alam, Mujaddide A’azwam, ‘Qwaiyumuz-Zaman, Jabbariul ‘Awwal, ‘Qwawewool Awwal, Sultanun-Naseer, ‘Habeebullah, Jamiul Alqab, Awladur Rwasool, Mawlana Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam mentions that the Rwabius Sani is the month when Saiyidul Aawlia Gawsul Aazwam Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi expressed the sacred state of His departure. SubhanAllah. Saiyidul Aawlia Gawsul Aazwam Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi was a Great Mujaddid and the Focal Wali-Allah of that age. There are numerous things to learn and take lessons from His life sketch from the sacred Biladat Shareef (arrival on the earth) to Bisaal Shareef. SubhanAllah.
Mujaddide A’azwaam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam says, “Gawsul Aazwam Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi was an Awlad, Successor and Vicegerent of the Nabi of all Nabi Alaihimus Salam and Rwasool of all Rwasool Alaihimus Salam Noore Mujassam Habibullah Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. At the direction of Allah Pak, Noore Mujassam Habibullah Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam sent Him on the earth in the 6th Century of Hijri era as a Mujaddid to renew the Islam that is to say He was mandated to establish the truth after taking out all Kufr, Shirk and Bid’aat from Islam. SubhanAllah.
Mujaddide A’azwaam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam says, “Gausul Aazwam, Saiyidul Awlia Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi got the lesson from His mother in his early boyhood to speak the truth and he was strict to it which had been the reason for hidayet (righteousness) for the dreadful gang of robbers. SubhanAllah.
Mujaddide A’azwaam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues, ‘Gausul Aazwam, Saiyidul Awlia Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi joined a company of travelers to Baghdad Shareef to acquire sacred Ilm (knowledge) when His mother stitched 40 gold coins within His Shirt and made an advice to never tell a lie and be strict to the truth. The sacred Hadis Shareef says, ‘The truth brings lives for the mankind while the lie destroys. After traveling all the day, the travelers pitched their tent at a place in the evening for rest. In the night a gang of robbers suddenly attacked the travelers, injured or killed some of the travelers and took away their money and everything. Gausul Aazwam, Saiyidul Awlia Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi was watching everything standing aside. At some point one of the robbers asked Ha’drwat Gausul Aazwam, Saiyidul Awlia Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi if he had anything with Him. He replied in affirmative. What it is – he was asked. Ha’drwat Gausul Aazwam, Saiyidul Awlia Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi replied that he had 40 gold coins. It was not a tiny thing. 40 gold coin is a huge. They cost several lakh taka now but this did not make any importance to Him. The robbers made a ramp, injured the travelers and took away everything but nothing bothered Him. The information of 40 gold coins went to the leader of the robbers who came and asked Him about it. He said that he has 40 gold coins. The leader wanted to see the gold coins and Hadrwat Bara Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi showed the gold coins stitched to His shirt.
Mujaddide A’azwaam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues to add, ‘the leader of the robbers was surprised to hear it. “What do you say – the leader of the robbers asked. You could abstain from saying anything at this situation when the robbers torture the people and take away everything from them. You could remain silent and nobody would be able to find the gold coins in your shirt”. Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib replied, “See, Oh the leader of the robbers, when I left the house from acquiring Ilm (knowledge) my mother advised me to never tell a lie. Because Allah Pak directed in the sacred Quraan Shareef, ‘curse falls upon the liar’. The sacred Hadis Shareef says, “the truthfulness brings lives for the mankind and the lie destroys”. I should not therefore forget my mother’s advice for only 40 gold coins. All the robbers were astound to hear this powerful statement from Gausul Aazwam Ha’drwat Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi. They repented and apologized to Him. SubhanAllah.
Mujaddide A’azwaam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam summarizes and says that Hadrwat Gausul Aazwam Boro Pir Sahib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi always spoke the truth even in a very difficult situation and has been strict to the right which is the sign of His Nisbat (relationship) with Allah Pak and His Habeeb Noore Mujassam Habibullah Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. We all have to find lessons for ourselves from this story. The first is to say the truth always, be strict to it and never tell a lie. Secondly, be strict to the guidance of the sacred Quraan Shareef and the sacred Hadis Shareef even in any adverse situation. All these be the cause for salvation of all in this earthly and afterlife.