The way Saiyidul Aayaad Shareef means ‘Falyafrahu’ or expressing Mubarak Happiness for Noor-e-Mujassam Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the best Ibada’t (Prayer)- Magnificent Allah Pak declares, “I have created Jin-Insan (Gin-Human) only for my Ibada’t.” Ref: Sacred Surah Jariat shareef: the sacred verse shareef-56
Now only Allah Pak knows well which Amal (Prayer) or Ibada’t (deeds) is the best of all.
The magnificent Allah Pak declares in the context, “Hey, Human being! Certainly, Almighty Allah Pak have sent to you the magnificent Nasihat (Mubarak Advices) Narrator, Healer of soul’s doubts, Hidayat (Right Path) Guidance for All, exclusive Peace bearer for Imandar (Believer) and Peace bearer for all (Noor-e-Mujassam Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). O, my Habeeb Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam! Let them (Ummah) rejoice in the mercy (Book) and grace (Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) of Allah Pak. It’s better than what they accumulate for the life and after life. Ref: The sacred Surah Yunus Shareef: Sacred Verse Shareef-57-58
It means ‘Falyafrahu’ or expressing Happiness is the best Ibada’t or Amal (deed) and Magnificent Allah Pak declares in the context, “It’s better than what they accumulate for the life and after life.”
It is proved by the above-mentioned verse that ‘Falyafrahu or expressing Mubarak Happiness for Habeebullah Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the best Ibada’t (prayer). Besides, it is proved by Sahih (Pure) Hadith shareef, “Allah Pak have created nothing if Habeebullah Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam wouldn’t be created.”
All the things get appearance depending on the appearance of Noor-e-Mujassam Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. We get various Ibada’t like Salah, Fasting, Hazz (being pilgrimage for Kaaba), Jakat (assigned portion to sacrifice from asset) the greatest and the best ideal through Him. Not only that but also all Nabi-Rasul from Hadrat Adam Alaihis Salam even all human and gin from the creation of the world have got everything through Him. Noor-e-Mujassam Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam declares in the honored Hadith Shareef, “Certainly, I am the distributor and the Creator, Owner, Rab, Magnificent Allah is the sponsor. Ref: Bukharee Shareef, Muslim Shareef
So, if we couldn’t get Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam as the ‘Fadal’ (Mercy) and Rahmat (Grace) Mubarak from magnificent Allah Pak, we couldn’t get any Niamah (necessaries). Therefore, expressing Mubarak Happiness for Him is the best of all. It’s such the best that can’t be destroyed by Kufree (wrong deeds) and shir’k (sharing the ownership with Allah).
Falyafrahu or expressing Mubarak Happiness for Habeebullah Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the best Ibada’t and Magnificent Allah Pak have presented the context through pure Kafeer Abu Lahab that kufree-shir’k couldn’t destroy this Amal (deed). The context is- Abu Lahab being Jahannami forever he used to drink water every Monday by expressing Mubarak Happiness on the birth of Nabijee Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.
It is mentioned in the sacred Bukharee shareef. Hadrat Urwoya Rawdillahu Ta’la Anhu describes, “Hadrat Suyabia Rawdiallahu Ta’la Anhu was the slave of Abu Lahab and Abu Lahab made free this slave being happy on the Biladat (Birth) of Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam to render service. Then he made Akheri (last) Rasul, Habeebullah Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam drink milk. After few days, Abu Lahad got died and his family member (his brother) dreamt that Abu Lahad was passing hard days. He asked to Abu Lahab in dream that how have you been behaved? Abu Lahab replied, “I was passing lots of hard days since I have been away from you. But I can drink fresh, cool water through the two fingers by which I indicated to make free the slave named Suyaiba Rawdiallahu Ta’la Anhu expressing happiness on the Biladat (Birth) Shareef of Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Ref: Sahih Bukharee Shareef, Kitabun Nikah-764 pages of 2nd Part.
Renowned Muhaddis (Hadith expert), expositor of Bukharee Shareef, Hafize Hadith (Hadith Memorizer) Hadrat Ibn Hazar Askalani Rahmatullahi Alaihi and Renowned Muhaddis (Hadith expert), Hafize hadith (Hadith Memorizer) Hadrat Badruddin Ayeni Rahmatullahi Alaihi mention according to Bukharee shareef.
Meaning: Hadrat Imam Suhailee Rahmatullahi Alaihi describes from Hadrat Abbas Rawdillahu Anhu. He says, “I dreamt after one year of death of Abu Lahab that he is passing lots of hard days. Abu lahad said to him in dream, “Hey brother! Hadrat Abbas Rawdiallahu Ta’la Anhu, I wouldn’t pass a peace time at all after leaving you.” But in every Monday, I get relieved from all sufferings and I pass peace time.” Hadrat Abbas Rawdiallahu Anhu told, “The suffering converted to peace because Monday is the sacred Biladate (Birth) shareef of Habeebullah Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. His slave named Suyaiba Rawdillahu Ta’la Anhu informed him, “You made me free being happy to hear the news of Biladat Shareef of Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.” Ref: Fathul Bari sharhe Bukharee 118page of 9th part, Omadatul Qaree Lee Shorhe Bukharee 95 page of 20th part, Mawahibul Ladunniyah first part, Shorhuj Jarkani 260 page of first part.
Renowned historian Allama Yakub Rahmatullahi Alaihi writes about Habeebullah Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. He says, “I saw him shouting in the fire of Jahannam saying, Water! Water! Then Abu Lahab drinks water from the knot of Thumb. I asked him, “How do you get water?” Abu Lahab replied, “ I made free my slave named Hadrat Suyaba Rawdiallahu Alaihi wa Sallm being happy on the occasion of BIlatdati (Birth) Shareef of You.” Because , my slave made you drink breast feeding. Ref: Tarikhe Yakubi 362page of first part.
So, It is proved again, Kufree-Shir’k couldn’t destroy the Ibada’t of Falyafrahu means expressing Falyafrahu means the happiness for get Hudur Pak Swallallahu Alahi was Sallam.
In the purpose to celebrate the Order of Sacred Quran Shareef, Imam of Ages, exclusive aimed place of Allah, Mujaddide Azam, Hadrat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam issues eternally Saayidul Aayaad Shareef festival at Rajarbagh Shareef.
Hadrat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam is such a waliAllah who finds the satisfaction of Magnificent Allah and His Habeeb, Noor-e-Mujassam Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam from dawn to dusk. Therefore, all Muslims of the world should come in touch with Hadrat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam and come in Rajarbagh Shareef to express Mubarak Happiness means Falyafrahu. Because, Magnificent Allah Pak declares, “You keep in touch with them who do Jikir (remember) for the satisfaction Allah and you shouldn’t abandon them being fascinated to the worldly attractions. Don’t follow them who is abstained from my Jikir (remember), who is followed by his evil inclination and whose deeds are against the honored Sharia’t.” Ref: Sacred Surah Kahaf shareef: Sacred verse shareef-28