Noor-e-Mujassam, ‘Habeebullah, ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam says, “If I would accept anyone else as My friend except Allah Pak Sub’hanahu wa Ta’aala, then it would be none other than ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam.” Sub’haanAllah!
The great and prosperous 22nd Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef is the day of expressing the sacred Shaan (Status) of Bisaal (Departure) Shareef by ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam.
Which is, as per the sacred 22nd Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef, on 23rd ‘Ashir 1384 Shamsi, 22nd March Isayee, Yaomul ‘Arbiaa (Wednesday) for this year. So it is the duty and responsibility of everyone to love and follow Him by knowing His sacred life sketch. And it is the duty and responsibility of the Govt. to include His sacred life sketch in the syllabus of every educational institution starting from the infant class to the highest class and also declare public day-off on that day.
– Qawl Shareef: Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam
10 Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef, 1438
Focal Wali-Allah of the age, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhyus Sunnah, Qutwubul A’alam, Mujaddide A’azwam, ‘Qwaiyumuz-Zaman, Jabbariul Awwal, ‘Qwawewool Awwal, Sultanun-Naseer, ‘Habeebullah, Jamiul Alqab, Awladur Rwasool, Mawlana Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam Alaihis Salaam says, the sacred real name of Af’dwaalun Naas Ba’dal Ambiaa ‘Ha’drwat Abu Bakar Siddiq ‘Alaihis Salaam is ‘Ha’drwat Abdullah ‘Alaihis Salaam and His sacred nickname is ‘Ha’drwar Abu Bakar ‘Alaihis Salaam. Special Laqab (Epithet) Mubarwak is ‘Atweeq and Siddiq. The sacred name of His honorable father is ‘Ha’drwat Usman Rwa’diallahu Ta’aala ‘Anhu and His sacred nickname is ‘Ha’drwat Abu Kuhafa Rwa’diallahu Ta’aala ‘Anhu. The sacred name of His honorable mother is ‘Ha’drwat Salma Rwa’diallahu Ta’aala ‘Anha and Her sacred nickname is ‘Ummul Khwair Binte Sakhar. He expresses His sacred Shaan (Status) of Biladat (Arrival) Shareef two and half years after “Amul Feel” or the Elephant Battalion year; that is, in 572 Isayee year. As per the worldly age, He was about two and quarter years younger than Noor-e-Mujassam ‘Habeebullah ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. He is the first grown man to conceive Eemaan. He is in the same lineage of Noor-e-Mujassam ‘Habeebullah ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam by His ancestor ‘Ha’drwat Murrah ‘Alaihis Salaam. Sub’haanAllah!
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam adds, it is needless to describe the piety and Fa’dweelat (Significance) of ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam. It is Allah Pak who praises Him several times in the sacred Quran Shareef. There are many sacred ‘Hadee’s Shareef described in His praise. ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam is the one who possesses highest dignity and honor after ‘Ha’drwat Nabi’ and ‘Ha’drwat Rwasool ‘Alaihis Salaam. Sub’haanAllah!
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues, it is described in a sacred ‘Hadee’s Shareef of the sacred Tirmi’zi Shareef that Noor-e-Mujassam ‘Habeebullah ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam says, No one else but ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam should perform as Imaam in the Jama’at of the Swalaat where He is present. Sub’haanAllah!
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam describes, when Noor-e-Mujassam ‘Habeebullah ‘Hu’dur pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam had expressed the prosperous Shaan (Status) of Maari’d (Sickness) before expressing the sacred Shaan (Status) of Bisaal (Departure) Shareef, ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam performed as Imaam of the Swalaat for 17 Waqts (Times). Sub’haanAllah! After Noor-e-Mujssam ‘Habeebullah ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alahi wa Sallam had expressed the sacred Shaan (Status) of Bisaal Shareef, all ‘Ha’drwat Sahaba-e-Kiram Rwa’diallahu Ta’aala ‘Anhum immediately took Baiyat to ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alahis Salaam. He was nominated as the Khwaleefa (Caliph) of the whole Muslim world and ran the sacred Caliphate with efficiency and honor for almost two years, three months and ten days. In this short period, He successfully contained all kinds of mutiny and conspiracy and brought back the peace and discipline to the whole Muslim world. Sub’haanAllah!
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam prolongs, Al-Waqidee and Al-Hakim describes referring to Ummul Mu’mineen ‘Ha’drwat Siddiqa ‘Alaihas Salaam that, ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam took bath on 7th Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef which was Yaomul Isnainil A’azweem (Monday) Shareef. After that, He expressed Shaan (Status) of Maari’d (Sickness) for 15 days. During that time, He could not go to the Masjid and attend the Jama’at of Swalaat for several Waqts (Times). He expressed the prosperous Shaan (Status) of Bisaal (Departure) Shareef in the day-past night of Yaomul Isnainil A’azweem (Monday) Shareef, that is, Lailatus Sulasa (Monday night); it was the 22nd Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef of 13 Hijri.
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam sums up, the main thing is – The great and prosperous 22nd Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef is the day of expressing the sacred Shaan (Status) of Bisaal (Departure) Shareef by ‘Ha’drwat Siddiq-e-Akbar ‘Alaihis Salaam which is, as per the sacred 22nd Jumadal Ukhrwa Shareef, on 23rd ‘Ashir 1384 Shamsi, 22nd March Isayee, Yaomul ‘Arbiaa (Wednesday) for this year. So it is the duty and responsibility of everyone to love and follow Him by knowing His sacred life sketch. And it is the duty and responsibility of the Govt. to include His sacred life sketch in the syllabus of every educational institution starting from the infant class to the highest class and also declare public day-off on that day.