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Home / Al-Ihsan Shareef / 19-06-1438


The almighty Allah says, “I have created Jahannam for a large number of human & Jinns. They won’t understand anything even after having brain, they’ll be blind even after having eyes, will be deaf even after having ears. They are like animals even lower than that or be like “Gumrah”. They are the worst “gafil”.

Noor-a Mujasasam, Habibullah  Huzur Pak Sallahahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, “Jahannam was made for those Ummah of mine who are “Ulamaye-Su” or commit business on the name of religion/Islam”. These “Ulamaye-Su” sure will go to Jahannam but also those who follow and support them will also be in Jahannam.” Nauzubillah!

So, it is Faraz (Obligation) for everybody to avoid and staying away, also not supporting these “Ulamaye-Su”

Object point of time, Oli-Allah, Imam & Mujtahid, Imamul Aimmah,  muhiusa Sunnah, Kutubul Alam, Mujaddide Azam, khaiyumuj Zaman, jabbariula auowal, khauiyyul auowal, sultanun nasir, Habibullah, Jamiul alkab, Awlade Rasul  , Mawlana Saiyyiduna Hazrat Imam al Umam Alaihis Salam mentioned, the almighty Allah says, I have created Jahannam for a large number of human & Jinns. They won’t understand anything even after having brain, they’ll be blind even after having eyes, will be deaf even after having ears. They are like animals even lower than that or be like “Gumrah”. They are the worst “gafil”. There are millions of explanations of this holy Ayat Sharif. One of them is a about the “Ulamaye-Su” which is mentioned in the holy Ayat Sharif. They are extreme level of Gafil(regardless). In the holy Hadith Sharif it is mentioned about them that, “Hazrat Ziyad Bin Hudaieer Rahmatullahi Alaihi described that, “Amirul Mu’minin Hazrat Faruqe A’zam Alaihis Salam said to me, “Do you know which thing is the most harmful to Islam?” I replied, “No, I don’t.” Then he said, “The things that harms the sacred religion Islam are the stumble of Ulamaye-Su (fake religious mentors)), debate of hypocrites and derailing command of derailed rulers.

Mujaddide Azam, Saiyyiduna Hazrat Imam al Umam Alaihis Salam said, it is mentioned about Ulamaye-Su’s identity and the result of being Ulamaye-Su in the holy Hadith Sharif that and explained by Hazrat Abu Huraira Radiallahu Tayala Anhu. He said, “Once the last of all Rasul, Saiyyedul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin, Noor-a Mujasasam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallahahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, he said, “You should seek help from almighty Allah for staying away from being a Jubbul Huzun.” Then the Hazrat Sahabaye keram Radi-Allah Ta’la Anhum, they asked, “Ya Rasulallah, ya Habiballah Sallallahu Alaihis Wa Sallam! What is Jubbul huzun?” Noor-a Mujasasam, Habibullah  Huzur Pak Sallahahu Alaihi Wa Sallam answered, “The valley in Jahannam from which/where(?) (those who belong in Jahannam), even the Jahannam itself ask “Panah” from four hundred times on daily basis. Then the Hazrat Sahabaye keram Radi-Allah Ta’la Anhum, they again asked, “Ya Rasulallah, ya Habiballah Sallallahu Alaihis Wa Sallam! Who’ll belong there?” Noor-a Mujasasam, Habibullah  Huzur Pak Sallahahu Alaihi Wa Sallam replied, “Those Riyakar Hafiz, Kwari, Mawlana-s who are Ulamaye-Su. Those who only did Amal just show people, and just to success in life they sold religion and did deeds against Shariyat.” It is also explained in ‘Ibn-E Majah Sharif’ that, “They are the worst of all the Hafiz, Kwari, Mawlana-s to almighty Allah. Means, Ulamaye-Su are they who follow and obey riches, kings and Badshahs to gain their earthly purposes.”

Mujaddid-E-Azam, Sayyiduna Hazrat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam says, “Hazrat Anas Rwadiyallah Ta’ala Anhuh explained, the Habib of almighty Allah, Nur-e Mujassam Habibullah Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihis Salam said, “Among my followers (Ummat) those who are Ulamaye-Su, they belong to Jahannam. Cause they took religion(Elm!) as business and they’ll try to gain fortune from the rulers of their era”. The Habib of almighty Allah, Noor-a Mujasasam, Habibullah  Huzur Pak Sallahahu Alaihi Wa Sallam prayed against these Ulamaye-Su and said, “Oh almighty Allah! Don’t give your blessing on those who try to set/do business with government on religion(Elm).”

Mujaddid-E Azam, Sayyiduna Hazrat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam says, “The main thing is- Jahannam is must for the Ulamaye-Su, as along as those who support and follow them also belong to Jahannam. Nauzubillah! So, it is obligation for us all to stay away and also not following these Ulamaye-Su.”


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