It is a matter of regret that Muslim rulers are making treaty and helping the jews, christian, mushrik, hindu and kaafirs while those kaafirs are openly attacking, torturing, killing Muslims indiscriminately. Muslim governments and people are making treaty with the Kaafirs, who are dangerously anti-Islamic and those Kaafirs are openly oppressing, torturing thousands of Muslim brothers and sisters and even destroying many Masjids in India, Palestine, Chechniay, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and all over india.
Those non muslim countries have become Fakir(beggar) by the punishment and curse of Allah Ta’ala in the form of unprecedented economic crisis, recurrent natural calamities and incurable diseases due to torture on Muslims. And now if you help them money and make any kind of treaty with the Kaafirs, then you and your people will receive the same punishment from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
Be Afraid of Allah Ta’ala, Be Careful
Before the time is up
Do not make any kinds of treaty with the Kaafir and help them with money. The kaafirs are openly using your help to torture Muslims. How you can help those brute Kaafir if you are a Muslim?
Immediately make Tawbah of all these misdeeds and help the distressed Muslims and make treaty with Muslim countries. Otherwise you will be ousted from power and face stern actions from Allah Ta’ala both here and hearafter.