Speech of opposition : Woman went to Masjid and Eid yard to pray namaz in jamaat during the period of Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. so it is legal for woman to go to Masjid and Eid yard for praying in jamaat at present.
What is said in Islam : It is generally Haraam and specially kufri for woman to go to Masjid and eid yard to pray namaz in jamaat. Although woman went to Masjid and Eid yard to pray namaz in jamaat during the period of Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, bun in the next time Ameerul Mumunin Hazrat Umar Ibnul Khattam Radiallahu Taala Anhu stopped that and forbidden womwn to go to Masjid for praying in Masjid in Jamaat. Hazrat Ayessa Siddiqa Radiallahu Taala Anha supported that completely.