Speech of opposition :They say that Majar jiyarat after Neeyat is Najaij and Bidaat. (Naujubillah)
What is said in Islam :It is Special Sunnat to visit the Raoza Shareef and Mazar Shareef of oliallah. Speaking that as bidaat is kufri. Because Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam came to Badar and Uhud field to Jiyarat the Shaheed Sahaba E Kiram Radiallahu Taala Anhum after niyaat each year. Respected Imaam-Mujtahid also went to jiyarot the Rouja Shareef, majar shareef of Sahaba E Kiram Radiallah Taala Anhum and other oliallah after niyaat. Imaam Shafeye Rahmatullahi Alaihi Went to jiyarat the mazar Shareef of Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi after niyaat.