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Seek open forgiveness to Muslims for your torture

The punishment and curse of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, imposed on you in the form of recurrent natural calamities, incurable diseases and tremendous unprecedented economic crisis, are only due to your inhuman aggression, torture and oppression of Muslims all over the world. The condition is so miserable that you have to beg alms to Muslim countries and Mr. Brown, your representative of your beggars’ community, has already started begging to Muslim countries. If you want to get back to peaceful normal life and have economic stability, then immediately make Tawbah( return to sinless life) and openly seek forgiveness to Muslims and withdraw all your troops from muslim countries and stop all kinds of tortures and oppressions. Otherwise, tougher disaster will inflict on you and then you won’t have any place on ground rather you will have to jump into water and roam in the streets like mad persons.

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