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Visiting Rawzah Shareef

Allah Pak Dictates in Quran Shareef, “You serve Huzur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam,  honour HIM and celebrate HIS praises morning and evening.” Noor-i-Mujassam, Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictated, “One who performed Hajj but did not visit My Rawzah Shareef did something beyond courtesy.”  Visiting Rawzah Shareef is a condition for the Hajj to be Qabool (accepted). Those who advocate that Hajj has nothing to do with visiting Rawzah Shareef are distracted and are included in the baatil firqah  (reject sect). 

  • Mujaddide A’zam Hadrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee of Dhaka Rajarbag Dorbar Shareef

Prime Point of Allah’s attention, Imam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhys Sunnah, Qutwubul ‘Alam, Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Habeebullah, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee said, “Ohabi Sect is the group, which is doing maximum damage to the Aqeedah and ’Aamal  (belief and practices) of the Muslims in this present age. These Ohabis are relentlessly conspiring against the Muslims in ruining their HAJJ and beliefs. One of their conspiracies is, during the Hajj period, they preach that there is no relation of Hajj with visiting the Rawzah Shareef, meaning that it is not necessary to visit the Rawzah Shareef during Hajj. Na’uzubillah! But visiting Rawzah Shareef is one of the prime conditions for Hajj to be acknowledged and coming back after performing Hajj but without visiting Rawzah Shareef is a matter of losing the Imaan (belief). Therefore through numerous Hadis Shareef references, it has been encouraged to visit the Rawzah Shareef during Hajj.”


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “In this regard, Saiyidul Mursaalin, Imaamul Mursaalin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictates, “It becomes Wajib  (essential) for ME to recommend for the one who visits My Rawzah Shareef.” SubhanAllah!


Another Hadis Shareef refers, “One who voluntarily visits My Rawzah Shareef becomes My neighbour on the Day of Qiyamah (Dooms Day). And one who dies in the Herem Shareef of Makka Shareef or Madina Shareef shall receive security on that day.” SubhanAllah!


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “Regarding the blessings and benefits of visiting the Rawzah Shareef, it has further been narrated that, “One who comes to Masjid-e-Nabawi to visit My Rawzah Shareef after he has done his Hajj, two Maqbul Hajj shall be recorded in his name. Subhan Allah!”


Elsewhere, there are more references that, “One who, after My Bisal Shareef (expiry), visits My Rawzah Shareef would amount to meeting Me physically on this earth. And one who visits My Rawzah Shareef, it becomes essential (Wajib) for Me to recommend for that person on the day of Qiyamah. And no excuses shall be entertained of that person who, having all the capabilities, does not visit My Rawzah Shareef.”


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “The above mentioned references of Hadis Shareef have been narrated by Sultanul Muhaddisin, Tajul Mufassirin, Jubtadul ‘Arifin, Asheku Rwasoolillah, Shaykhul ‘Ulama wal Mashayekh, Hajrat Shah Sufi Abdul Huq Muhaddis Dehalvi Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi in his world famous book named ‘Jazb-ul-Qulub ila Diaril Mahbub’, in the chapter ‘Ziarat’ (meeting) and mentioned that some of those Hadis references are Sahi (true) and some are of hasan level.  


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “Not only that, until and unless one Haji visits the Rawzah Shareef of Saiyidul Mursaalin, Imaamul Mursaalin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, his Hajj shall not be completed; it remains incomplete.”  Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Himself gave verdict that, “Visiting Rawzah Shareef shall be reasons for giving totality to Hajj.”



Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “Although generally, it has not been made Far’d (mandatory) for the Hajis to visit the Rawzah Shareef but it has been made closer to Sunnate  Muaqqadah or Qaribatum minal Wajib (close to wajib). To be exclusive, it is Fard to visit Rawzah Shareef during the Hajj. Coming back after Hajj without visiting the Rawzah Shareef is a matter of absolute insolence toward Saiyidul Mursaalin, Imaamul Mursaalin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam and is obviously reason for losing the Imaan!  In this regard, Hadis Shareef further refers, “Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam commented that, ”One who performed the Hajj but did not visit My Rawzah Shareef had shown obvious audacity towards me.”  Everyone in this regard is of the same opinion that showing audacity towards Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam is a definite kufri and refraining from which is a Far’d for every Muslim man and woman. That’s why famous Sufi researcher, leading scholar, Allama Hajrat Jalaluddin Rumi Rwa’hmatullahi ‘Alaihi remarked, “An audacious person is completely deprived from the blessings of Allah Pak.”


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “Failing to correctly interpret one of the Hadis Shareef, the ohabis usually advocate that traveling for Ziarat (visiting) of a Mazar Shareef or Rawzah Shareef is Bid’at (something newly introduced and not-permitted). Na’uzubillah! For example, it has come in the Hadis Shareef that, “Do not travel to other Masjid other than those three Masjid like Ba’itullah Shareef, Masjid-e-Nabawi Shareef and Baitul Muqaddas Shareef.”


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “In fact it never proves that traveling for the purpose of Ziarat of a Mazar Shareef or Rawzah Shareef is prohibited owing to the fact that, that Hadis Shareef is regarding a Masjid, not Rawzah Shareef or Mazar Shareef. This means that since all other Masjid other than those three have the equal significance, therefore traveling to other Masjid except these three for the purpose of gaining more blessings is prohibited. There is no relation of traveling to the Rawzah Shareef or a Mazar Shareef with this Hadis Shareef. If it was there, then Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alahi Wa Sallam would never travel every year for the purpose of doing Ziarat of the Mazar Shareef of Shaheed (martyr) of the Battle of Uhud.”


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “That is why this same explanation of the above mentioned Hadis Shareef have been included in all the reliable books of explanation (Sharah). Not only that, all the reliable books on Fiq’h (Islamic Jurisprudence) have also provided Fatwa (Verdict) on visiting Rawzah Shareef and Mazar Shareef as Jaeez (permitted) and a Sunnah. In this regard, our monthly magazine ‘Al-Baiyinaat’ has also provided Fatwa in its fourth edition basing on more than fifty reliable references.”


Mujaddide ‘Azwam, Mamduh, Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee says, “Therefore, any one desiring to visit Rawzah Shareef shall have to do it with full respect in Sunaati Style and in Halal ways. The gist is : Visiting Rawzah Shareef is a condition for Hajj to be acceptable. Those who advocate that Hajj has nothing to do with visiting Rawzah Shareef are distracted and are included in the baatil firqah  (reject sect).”

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