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Home / Ahle Baeet Sharif / 25-06-1438


Almighty Allah Pak Dictates, (O My Habbeb Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), Remind them (both male and female servants of Allah Pak) about the significant days and nights in Islam ( So that they can observe that day) Subahan Allah.

The 2nd day of Rajabul Haram Shareef month is grand and sacred, the day to reveal the state of bilaa’daat (Birth) of Abu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Jabihullah Alaihis Salam. Subahan Allah. And a grand sacred day to reveal the state of Bis’aal ( Departure) of Ibnu Rwasulillah Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Alaihis Salam. Subahan Allah

On this sacred great day, it is duty and responsibility of everyone, to arrange Mahfil or sermon  program, perform/ say Milad Shareef, Stand to Salam them ( Q’uiam Shareef) in order to discuss their sacred biography. And the government has to patronize all these programs as well as include their sacred biography in syllabus from Nursery level to Higher studies and declare this day as a public holiday

Focal Wali-Allah of the age, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhyus Sunnah, Qutwubul A’alam, Mujaddide ‘Aazwam, ‘Qwaiyumuz-Zaman, Jabbariul Awwal, ‘Qwaweul Awwal,Sultanun-Naseer, Habeebullah, Jamiul Alqab, Awladur Rwasool, Mawlana Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salaam Dictates,

Most Honorable Father of Noore Mujassam,Habebullah Hujur Pak Swallahu Alahi Wa Sallam that is Abu Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, Khairul Bashal, Saiyyedul A’rab, Abul Bashar, Swahibul Jannah, Swahibu Noorim Mujassam, Saiyyeduna Jabihullahil Alaihis Salam revealed his great and sacred birth ( bilada’at) at  2nd Rajabul Haram.

And Ibnu Rwasulillah Al Awuual, Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Auwal Alaihis Salam revealed His great and sanctified revealtion of birth ( Bilaadat). If we can sight the moon at 29th Jumadal Ukhra; 30 Aa’shir wednesday after dusk, then will observe the great and sacred 2nd Rajabul Haram Shareef. Subahan Allah. Otherwise, if we don’t sight moon on that everning, Yaomus Sa’bti or satarday we would observer the great 2nd Rajabul Haram Shareef. SubahanAllah.

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam Said- The name of  the father of Abu Rwasulillah Swanallahu Alihi Wa Sallam, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Jabihullah Alaihis Salam is “ Saiyyeduna Had’raat Abdul Muttalib Alaihis Salam’ And the Name of His honorable Mother is ‘ Saiyyedatuna Had’rat Faatima Binte A’mar Ibne Aa’is Alaihas Salam. Among the all sons of Saiyyeduna Had’raat Abdul Muttalib Alaihis Salam, Ha’raat Jabihullah Saiyyeduna Abu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam was most handsome and pious or Swaleh. Subahan Allah.

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Hadraat Imamul Alaihs Salam Says, Jabihullah Saiyyeduna Had’raat Abu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Salam were 13 brothers and had 6 sisters. Among them 3 brothers revealed their state of departure in their early childhood.

His Abna or sons are 1. Saiyyeduna Had’raat Khawaja Abdullah Alaihis Salam. 2. Had’raat Abbas Alaihis Salam. 3. Saiyyeduna Had’raat Hamja Alaihis Salam. 4. Haris 5. Kashen (Kusum) 6. Abu Taleeb ( Abde Mannaf) 7. Abu Lahab ( Abdul Uzza) 8. Dwi’rar ( Abdul Ka’ba) 9. Gaidak ( Hajas, Hozol, Mugira, Masab, Naofel) 10. Mukaoyim ( Mukaim) 11. Zubair . 12. Aowam 13. Abdul Ka’bah

And Ba’naat (daughters) are 1. Had’raat Sufiyyah Alaihas Salam ( Safia) 2. Umme Hakim Al Bayeda 3. Atiqua

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umaam Alaihis Salam Says, “A months after Mujassam Habibullah Hujur Pak Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Took place in the hospitality of Had’raat Ummu Rwasulina Alaihas Salam ( Mother Womb), Saiiyeduna Had’raat Zabihullah Alaihis Salam revealed his state of M’aridi ( Sickness) that’s why He stayed in His Grandmother’s house when He was returning from Syria and there at the 2nd Day of Muharramul Haram He revealed His State of Bisal ( Diparture). And His Rowza Shareef is located in a respected area named “ Abwa”

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam Says, Ibnu Rwasulillah, Ashbahul Khawalqi BiRwasulillah, Saiyyedul Bashar, Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Alaihis Salam’s biggest identity was, HE was the Piece of Heart of Noore Mujassam Habeebullah Hujur Pak Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, HIS greatly respected Abna Alaihis Salam ( Son). SubahanAllah

He is the first or Auwal among respected Had’rat Abna or ( Son ) Alaihimus Salam. That’s why He is called Ibnu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Saiyyaduna Had’raat An Noorul Auwal Alaihis Salam. SubahanAllah. His dignified name is- “Saiyyeduna Had’raat Kashim Alaihis Salam.” His dignified titles are- Ibnu RwasulAllah, Ashabul Khawalqi, Birwasulillah, Saiyyedul Bashar, Saiyyedul A’syaad, Al Mubasshir, Al Abraru, Al Ajwad etc. But He took “ Ibnu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Saiyyeduna Had’raat AN Nurul Auwal Alaihis Salam” this sur name. SubahanAllah

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam Says- Ibnu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Alaihis Salam, His greatly respected Father is Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam who is- Saiyyedul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin, Khwatamun Nabiyyin, Noore Mujasssam, Habeebullah Hujur Pak Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. SubahanAllah. His greatly respected Mother is-Ummul M’uminin Al Ula Saiyyeduna Had’raat Kubra Alaihis Salam. SubahanAllah. His greatly respected Grandfather is- Abu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Saiyyeduna Had’raat Jabihullah Alaihis Salam. SubahanAllah. His greatly respected Grandmother is –Saiyyedatu Nisayil Alamin Saiyyeduna Had’raat Ummu Rwasulina Alaihis Salam. SubahanAllah.

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam Says,- Ibnu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Alaihis Sallam revealed His state of Birth twelve and half years before the formal revelation of Nobuwwat in Makkhah Shareef. SubahanAllah. According to the earthly age, Noore Mujassam Habeebullah Hujur Pak Swallah Alaihi Wa Sallma was 27 and half years old. And Ummul Mu’minun Al Ula Saiyyeduna Had’raat Kub’rah Alaihas Salam were 42 and half years old then.

Mujaddide A’zom,Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umam Alaihis Salam Says, – Ibnu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Auwal Alaihis Salam He revealed his state of Bisaal ( Departure ) 10 years and 8 months before of formal recognition of Nobuwwwat. at 2nd Rajabul Haram in the morning at Makkhah Shareef. SubahanAllah. Ibnu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam stayed total 22 months in this earth. SubahanAllah. His Raoja Shareef is situated at Makkah Shareef. SubahanAllahh.

Mujaddide A’zom, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Imamul Umaam Alaihis Salam Says, ‘ The main thing is, the 2nd day of Rajabul Haram Shareef month is grand and sacred, the day to reveal the state of bilaa’daat (Birth) of Abu Rwasulillah Swallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, Saiyyeduna Had’raat Jabihullah Alaihis Salam. Subahan Allah. And a grand sacred day to reveal the state of Bis’aal ( Departure) of Ibnu Rwasulillah Saiyyeduna Had’raat An Noorul Alaihis Salam. Subahan Allah

On this sacred great day, it is duty and responsibility of everyone, to arrange Mahfil or sermon  program, perform/ say Milad Shareef, Stand to Salam them ( Q’uiam Shareef) in order to discuss their sacred biography. And the government has to patronize all these programs as well as include their sacred biography in syllabus from Nursery level to Higher studies and declare this day as a public holiday

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