Allah Pak says,”surely to Allah Pak, the only nominated Deen (religion) is Islam.’’ Sub’haanAllah!
According to honorable Islamic Sharia it is ’Harwaam (Forbidden) and Kufri (Expressing Kufr) to practice Pahela Baishak. In reality Pahela Baishak is a festival for Hindu, Mojusi (Fire worshipper) and Buddhist, in a word, infidels.
In this festival they have Panta (Rice in water), they sing, they hold rallies, they wear masks depicting animals, they paint different parts of the body, they become rowdy by dancing while playing the Dugdugi (A musical instrument), mens wear Dhuti and sidecut Panjabi which is the national dress of the infidels, girls wear red lined white Saree and tie Rakhi on their wrists, wear Shakha, puts red Tip and Chondon and Shidur on their foreheads, they do not maintain veil at alland become vulgar. Na’oozubillah! Which is ’Harwaam (Forbidden) and Kufri (Expressing Kufr) in eyes of the Sharia. It is noteworthy that, this is a country where the state religion is Islam and 98%percent of the population is Muslim. So the duty of the government of Bangladesh is- to stop every anti-islamic activities including Pahela Baishakh according to the sacred Quran Shareef and the sacred Sunnah Shareef and to stop Muslims from such things.
Qawl Shareef: Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam
26 Jumadul Ukhrwa Shareef, 1438
Focal Wali-Allah of the age, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhyus Sunnah, Qutwubul A’alam, Mujaddide A’azwam, ‘Qwaiyumuz-Zaman, Jabbariul Awwal, ‘Qwawewool Awwal, Sultanun-Naseer, ‘Habeebullah, Jaamiul Alqab, Awladur Rwasool, Mawlana Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam says, honorable religion Islam is only complete, full of satisfaction of Allah Pak, full of Ni’amat (Favor), unchangeable and nominated Deen (Religion) which is sent down by Almighty Allah Pak to the Rwasool Of Allah Pak Noor-e-Mujassam, ‘Habeebullah Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam through Wahee (sacred revelation); it shall be in effect till Kiamat (Great day of judgment).
On this matter Allah Pak says in the sacred 19th Ayaat Shareef of the sacred Sura Al Imran Shareef, “surely to Allah Pak, the only accepted Deen (Religion) is Islam.”
In a country like Bangladesh where 98% percent of the population is Muslim, how can all the anti-islamic activities such as Pahela Baishakh which is a foreign culture, be practiced? Noteworthy, in reality Pahela Baishak is the Nawroz festival of the Majusi (Fire Worshipper). It is also the festival of Ghatpuja of Hindus, tattoo art of the Buddhist. That is why they eat Panta (Rice in water), they sing, they hold rallies, they wear masks depicting animals, they paint different parts of the body, they become rowdy by dancing while playing the Dugdugi (A musical instrument), men wear Dhuti and sidecut Panjabi which is the national dress of the infidels, girls wear red lined white Saree and tie Rakhi on their wrists, wear Shakha, put red tTip and Chondon and Shidur on their foreheads, they do not maintain veil and become vulgar. Na’oozubillah! Which is ’Harwaam (Forbidden) and Kufri (Expressing Kufr) in eyes of the Sharia.
He mentions this Qawl Shareef while advising regarding the direction of honorable Deen Islam and the clause 2 of constitution about the upcoming unislamic and foreign cultural event Pahela Baishakh.
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam says, in the 3rd clause of the constitution it is written that the state language is Bangla. Thats why it is more honorable and dominant over any other language including English; as in the state religion is Islam due to the 98 percent Muslim population which is mentioned in clause 2. For this reason, the honor and dominance of Islam and Muslims should be recognized over other religions and government patronization to honorable Deen Islam and Muslims should be much more.. Which is the command of the sacred Quran Shareef and the sacred Sunnat Shareef. And it is accepted in the constitution.
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam sums up, the main thing is, the Deen of 98 percent population is Islam,that is why in the 2nd clause it is stated that the state religion is Islam how can such foreign culture as Baishak which is also very Anti-Islam, can be practiced? It should be remembered that for Muslims it is absolutely illegitimate, Kufri (Expressing Kufr) and ’Harwaam (Forbidden) in accordance to the sacred Quran Shareef and the sacred Sunnat Shareef to observe Pahela Baishak. Because it is completly ’Harwaam (Forbidden) to follow infidel culture. Noteworthy, in reality Pahela Baishak is the Nawroz festival of the Majusi (Fire worshipper. also Ghat puja, Tattoo art of the the Buddhist. Then how can a Muslim practice such Pahela Baishak? This is a country where the state religion is Islam and 98%percent of the population is Muslim. So the duty of the government ofBbangladesh is- to stop whatever every anti-islamic activities including Pahela Baishakh according to the sacred Quran Shareef and the sacred Sunnah Shareefthat is against Islam and to stop the Muslims from such things which is in accordance to the Sharia and holy Sunnah.