To say, “Na’rwayee Riswaalat-Yaa Rwasoolallah”is not Kufaa’r even. Rather those who will tell that uttering these words are kufaa’r, they will make themselves kaafir and Murtaad.
Beause, the objective to say “Na’rwayee Riswaalat-Yaa Rwasoolallah” is to express joy and be delighted to have the good luck for being the Ummah of the NAABI and RWASOOL of the whole universe, WHO is Saayidul Mu’rsaaleen, Emaamul Mu’rsaleen, Khwatamun Naabiyeen, Noor-e-moojaa’sam, Habeebullah Hujur paak Swallallahu A’alaihi Waa Sallam.