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Month of Islam

All praises for Allah Pak and enormous Swalat-Salam for Noor-e-Mujassam, Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam.

The third clause of Bangladesh constitute says, “The state language is Bangla.” Therefore the state receives necessary steps for ascertaining state-language Bangla in every sphere of statuary and mass live, even separate honor and dignity is given to the month of February as the month of language.

Relevantly, if the February could be celebrated as the state language Bangla, March can be the month of Independence, December can be the month of victory, and the question is that what is the month of Islam according to the 2nd clause of constitution? Where is its reflection and assessment?

It is to be notified that, the month Rwamadwan is mentioned as the month of Allah Pak. Why there is no attempt to celebrate and asses the month of Allah with exceptions?

Why the price of gram, sugar, vegetables, fishes and meat hiked so much?

Why, in order to remain sanctity of the month Rwamadwan Mubarwak, the government  the government patronization was not provided?

Why in the month of Rwamadwan the accurate Islamic education was not publicized for the 97% Muslim dwellers of the country, instead of moududism,wahabism, qawmism, khwarizism, exaggerated-sunnism ?

Why the governmental attempt to provide free Iftar in Masjids in honor of the month of  Allah Pak.

Why the new clothes and necessary financial contributions were not provided to the needy people in the month of Rwamadwan as it was done for the puja of less then 2% hindus?

The third pillar of Islam is Jakat. Why a lame, sightless and disabled institution named Jakat board is kept in our country,where the state-religion is Islam?


Why a different ministry named jakat ministry is not created here? Why the jakat board is being directed by the moududists? Why there is the plundering in the revenue of  Jakat, the jakat money is being spent for the Non-Islamic purposes?

If the Jakat is properly archived there should be no poor in our country, no flood and drought can be occurred at all. But, why the 97 % Muslims are being deprived from this facility.


The main theme of the month of Allah Pak, Rwamadwan, is to achieve Taqwa. So, why the State is not patronizing for following Taqwa in whole life? Why the state is not discouraging various anti Islamic acts, inclusively, non-Hijab, Outlaw of Shari’ah, etc ?

The pm of the country criticizes as Usurer. She criticizes syndicates.  She is affright that if she applies hardly the consumers product price law the businessman would stop serving product. She expresses her frustration that in the time of festivals all are used to decrease the price and in our country price is increased. Did she think, what is the solution to these fear, frustration and criticism? Did she or her government think about these?

Do not they achieve Nasihah from the Rwamadwan Shareef, directly? The man, fasting, neither   drinks water from pond nor in the time of staying lonely in house. That means the faith and reliance upon Allah Pak work inside him. Fear of Allah Pak influence them.

So, there is no need to clarify in details, if the citizens are to be free from corruption, and are to be honest and patriot citizens. There is no other alternative to expand Islamic values in their mind. In fact, this is the only one appropriate way.

Therefore, as early as possible, when the government and administration would forward to realize and reflect this thing, that would be more and more benevolent for the country man.

Relevantly, it is to be notified that, Did the claimers of State-religion Islam ever think that, who are the sources of Islam to us. The 17th of the month of Rwamadwan, is the date Mubarwak Bisal Shareef of Hajrat Khadijatul Qubrwa ‘Alaihas Salaam, Ummul Mu’mineen Hajrat Siddiqa ‘Alaihas Salaam, Hajrat KarramAllahu Wazhhu RwadiAllahu Ta’ala ‘Anhu, one of the prominent member of Hajrat Ahley-Ba’it Shareef ‘Alaihimus Salaam. Along with this, the most sacred, Heritage impregnated and blessed date of Gazwatul Badr ( Jihad of Badr).

But where is the Statuary arrangements of THEIR remembrance, assessment and reflection or the statuary patronization.


It is needless to say, in this aspect, the country of state-religion Islam is going to be failed and inverted. There is no way to deny this. But will the 97% Muslims would tolerate it?

The government of state-religion Islam must realize the emotions of 97% Muslims to remain in our country for the inevitable reason. The implementation must be done

In fact, the Islamic feeling and enthusiasm are the gift of Allah Pak. It would come from Allah Pak Miraculously and along with divine help. But the A’amal-e-Saleh (appropriate Islamic practice) that means Being Allah-wala, is the first condition of that. By the Mubarwak Sohbot ( companion) of Imam and Mujtahid of the era, Mujaddidey A’zwam , Mamduh Hajrat Murshid Qiblah ‘Alaihis Salaam, it is possible to achieve that great noble Ni’amah.

May Allah Pak enable us o achieve that, may Allah Pak accept us and grant us success. (Aameen)

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