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Home / Known-Unknown / It is right to celebrate Miladunnobi (arrival day) of Hujur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam on Earth

It is right to celebrate Miladunnobi (arrival day) of Hujur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam on Earth

Speech of  opposition : There are only two wid in Islam- Eid ul Fitr,  Eid ul Azha. Addressing Eid E Miladunnobi as Eid is ‘Bidaat and “Sirok.

What is said in Islam : There are many Eid in Islam. For example the day of Arafah during Hajj, The day of Jumua. Even the day of Jumua is called the best Eid than Eid ul Azha and Eid ul Fitr. Because Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam was created in the day of Jumua, Came on Earth, and died at the same day. Now the question arise if the Jumua day became best than Fitr and Azha for the reason of Hazrat Adam Alaihissalam, then the day of arrival of Hujur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam on Earth, he who was the reason foe the creation of everything, how worth that day could be! In reality that day is the biggest and the best Eid day. So 12 Rabiul Aawaal of Hizri year is the best Eid day. Saying that day as “Bidaat is Kufri.

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