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Spending in the honor of ‘Eeed-E-Miladun Nabi’

Saiyeedul A`yeeaad Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam and performing Mahfil regarding this and spending money for this occasion.


Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imaamul Mursaleen, Noor e Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujur Pak Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam-when he was born, at that time the servent of Abu Lahab informed him about the good news, “ Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujur Pak Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam is born at the sacred house of your brother Hazrat Abdullah `Alaihis Salaam.” Hearing this, Abu Lahab was pleased and pointed out his finger at her and said, “Hey Hazrat Su`aiba Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anha! You are free from today from slavery.” All the Muslims know that Abu Lahab was an absolute Qaafir and will burn in Jahannam forever. Allah Ta`aala sent down a complete Surah called `Surah Lahab` expressing about his misdeeds and misfortune. But still according to Hadish Shareef, he is benefitted as he expressed happiness regarding to the Sacred Biladaat Shareef of Hujur Pak Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam. Allama Hazrat Hafiz Ibne Hazar Asqalni Rwahmatullahi `Alaihi noted-

ذكر السهيلى ان العباس رضى لله تعالى عنه قال لما مات ابو

لهب رايته فى منامى بعد حول فى شر حال فقال مالقيت بعدكم

راحة الا ان العذاب يخفف عنى فى كل يوم الا ثنين وذلك ان

النبى صلى لله عليه وسلم ولد يوم الاثنين وكانت ثويبة بشرت

ابالهب بمولده فاعتقها.

Meaning: “Hazrat Imaam Suhaili Rwahmatullahi `Alaihi noted- Hazrat Abbas Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu narrated, I dreamt about Abu Lahab aftter one year of his death. He was in deep misery. He started to tell me, “I did not get any peace since I left you.  But my punishment is lowered doun on each sacred Monday.” Hazrat Abbas Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu remarked about this issue because Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam came on the Earth on the Sacred Monday Shareef. And at that time the good news about the arrival of  Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam was given by Hazrat Su`aiba Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anha to Abu Lahab and being happy he set her free from slavery.” (Bukhari Shareef, Fathul Bari, Vol-9, Page-118, Umdatul Qari, Sharah e Bukhari, Vol-2, Page-95).

Now it is a matter of thinking that, Abu Lahab is a strict Qaafir and that is why he will be in Jahannam forever. And we are Mu`min. He was the enemy of Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam and we are the slave of Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam. Abu Lahab rejoiced as his nephew was born , he did not considered Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam as Rwasool. But we believe Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam as Rwasool and thus we celebrate his Biladaat Shareef by praying Milaad Shareef and by praising him. If an enemy and Qaafir can receive such benefit by showing happiness in the Biladaat Shareef, then it is a matter of thinking that as a believer of Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam how much benefit we can get if we express our rejoice in the Biladaat Shareef. It is noted that, in the reign of Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam and in the reign of Hazrat Sahaba i Quiram, the Mahfil of Eid e Miladunwabi existed.

As an example, it is narrated in Hadish Shareef-

عن ابن عباس رضى لله تعالى عنهما انه كان يحدث ذات يوم

فى بيته وقائع ولادته صلى لله عليه وسلم لقوم فيستبشرون

ويحمدون لله ويصلون عليه صلى لله عليه وسلم فاذا جاء النبى

صلى لله عليه وسلم قال حلت لكم شفاعتى.

Meaning: “Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum narrated that, onec he was expressing happiness on the Biladaat Shareef, that means on the occasion of Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, he was discussing about the incidents that happened at the time of Biladaat Shareef of Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam in his house by gathering couples of Hazrat Sahaba e Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum. Hearing this, Hazrat Sahaba e Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum was expressing joy and happiness, praying Tasbih-Tahlil by praising Allah Ta`aaal, reciting Durood Shareef on Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam. At that time Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam arrived there and hearing all the rejoicing on the occasion of Bialdaat Shareef, Akheri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam said, My Safaiyaat is Wajib for all of you.” (Quitaabut Tanbeer fee Maowlidil Basheer Wan Najeer, Subulul Huda Fee Maowleed e Muatafa Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam.)

Hadish Shareef further says-

عن ابى الدرداء رضى لله تعالى عنه انه مر مع النبى صلى لله

عليه وسلم الى بيت عامر الانصارى رضى لله تعالى عنه وكان

يعلم وقائع ولادته صلى لله عليه وسلم لابنائه وعشيرته ويقول

هذا اليوم هذا اليوم فقال عليه الصلوة والسلام ان لله فتح لك

ابواب الرحمة والملائكة كلهم يستغفرون لك من فعل فعلك نجى


Meaning: Hazrat Abu Darda Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu narrated that, once he went with Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam at the house of Hazrat Amir Ansari Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhhu and saw that, he was expressing joy on the day of the Biladaat Shareef of Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam and he gathered all of his children, relatives, known persons, neighbours and explaining the incidents of that day and he is also saying that, this is the day, this is the day (that means Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam came on the Earth on this day and these incidents were happened etc etc). Hearing that, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam said, “Allah Ta`aala has opened all the doors of Rehmat (blessings) upon you all and All the Firishta (Angels) are seeking forgiveness for all of you and all of those who will perform activities like you, will also receive Fajelaat (Mercy) like you till Quiyamaat.” (Quitaabut Tanbeer fee Maowlidil Basheer Wan Najeer, Subulul Huda Fee Maowleed e Muatafa Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam.)

The above two Hadish Shareef proves that Hazrat Sahaba i Quiram Rwadiallahhu Ta`aala Anhum expressed happiness regarding the Biladaat Shareef of Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam and that means  they celebrated Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam Majlish. And Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam not only supported it but he also specially motivated his Ummat (followers). Therefore, it is proved that arranging Mahfil regarding Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam is Sunnat e Rwasool Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam and Sunnat e Hazrat Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum.

Regarding this, Allama Hazrat Sihabuddin Ibne Hazar Haisaami Rwahmatullahi Alaihi wrote in his well received and famous Quitaab `Annee`maatul Qubra Alaal `Alaam` –

قال ابو بكر الصديق رضى لله تعالى عنه من أنفق درهما على

قراءة مولد النبى صلى لله عليه وسلم كان رفيقى فى الجنة.


Meaning: “Hazrat Abu Baqaar Siddique Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says, the person who will spend one dirham by expressing happiness on the occasion of Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, will be my friend in Jannat.” Subhanallah!


وقال عمر رضى لله تعالى عنه من عظم مولد النبى صلى لله

عليه وسلم فقد احيا الاسلام.

Meaning: “Hazrat Umar Farooque Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says, the person who expresses happiness and gives a special respect to the day of Biladaat Shareef of Rwasoolullah Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, he basically restore Islam.” Subhanallah!


وقال عثمان رضى لله تعالى عنه من أنفق درهما على قراءة

مولد النبى صلى لله عليه وسلم فكانما شهد غزوة بدر وحنين.


Meaning: “Hazrat Usman Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says, the person who expresses happiness and spends one dirham on the occasion of the Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, is as like as he participated in the Jihad of Badar and Hunaeen.” Subhanallah!


وقال على رضى لله تعالى عنه وكرم لله وجهه من عظم مولد النبى

صلى لله عليه وسلم وكان سببا لقرائته لايخرج من الدنيا الا بالايمان

ويدخل الجنة بغير حساب.


Meaning: “Hazrat Ali Karramallahu Wajhahu Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says, the person who expresses happiness and gives special respect to the Mahfil of Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, he will surely leave the Earth with Emaan and will get into Jannat without any calculation. ” Subhanallah!

After the reign of Hazrat Sahaba i Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum, at the reign of Tabiyee Rwahmatullahi Alaihim and the following reign of imitated Imaam-Mujtaheed and Awlia e Quiram Rwahmatullahi `Alaihi- all of them celebrated the Mahfil regarding Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam with radiant and happiness and they also used to give special importance regarding this. For example, it is narrated that, a special Tabiyee Hazrat Hasan Bashree Rwahmatullahi `Alaihi, who met more than hundred of Hazrat Sahaba e Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum, who was the student and representative of the fourth Khwaleefa Hazrat Ali Karramallahu Wajhahu Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says-


وددت لو كان لى مثل جبل أحد ذهبا فانفقته على قرائة مولد النبى

صلى لله عليه وسلم.


Meaning: “I have a desire from my heart that, if I would have as much gold as like the mountain of `Wuhud`, then I would have spent it on the Biladaat Shareef of Habeebullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam which means I would have spent it on celebrating Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam.” Subhanallah! (An nia`matul Qubra Alaal Alaam)

After that, All the Imaam of famous Majhaab also gave special importance on the occasion of the Biladaat Shareef of Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam that means on the of Eid e Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihhi wa Sallam. As an example, it is written in Quitaab-


قال الامام الشافعى رحمة لله عليه من جمع لمولد النبى صلى لله

عليه وسلم اخوانا وهيأ طعاما واخلى مكانا وعمل احسانا وصار

سببا لقرائته بعثه لله يوم القيامة مع الصديقين والشهداء

والصالحين ويكون فى جنات النعيم.


Meaning: Hazrat Imaam Shafiyee Rwahmatullahi `Alaihi says, “The man who will express happiness on the occasion of the Biladaat Shareef of Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor i Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu`Alaihi wa Sallam and will gather people, make food, reserve a place, celebrate according to Sunnah, then he will be rewarded so that he will be raised up on the day of judgement with Siddique, Shaheed and Swaliheen and above all his residence will be into Jannatul Nwayeem.” Subhanallah! (An Nia`matul Qubra Alaal Alaam).

Afer that, the great Waliall Hazrat Imaam Maruf Karkhi Rwahmatullahi Alaihi also expressed about the benefit of celebrating Biladaat Shareef and that means celebrating Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and said,


من هيا طعاما لاجل قراءة مولد النبى صلى لله عليه وسلم وجمع

اخوانا و اوقد سراجا و لبس جديدا و تبخر و تعطر تعظيما لمولد

النبى صلى لله عليه وسلم حشره لله يوم القيامة مع الفرقة الاولى

من النبيين وكان فى اعلى عليين.


Meaning: “The person who will cook food with expressing happiness on the occasion of the Biladaat Shareef of Rwasoolullah Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, will express happiness on the Biladaat Shareef of Habeebullah Hujoor I Pak Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam and with its respect gather Musilm brothers, light up the place (for giving light), wear new cloths, burn incense (for cent), use Attar, then his Hashar-Nashar will be with the first group of Nwabi-Rwasool Alaihimus Salaam and he will stay on the high Illein (heaven). Subhanallah! (An Ni`amatul Qubra Alaal Alaam)

After that, the person who wrote the heighest numbers of books among the Muslims, Mujaddid and Imaam of the tenth century, Sultanul Areefin Hazrat Imaam Jalaluddin Suyuti Rwahmatullahi `Alaihi says,


قال سلطان العارفين الامام جلال الدين السيوطى قدس لله سره

ونور ضريحه فى كتابه المسمى بالوسائل فى شرح الشمائل ما

من بيت أو مسجد أومحلة قرئ فيه مولد النبى صلى لله عليه

وسلم الا حفت الملائكة ذلك البيت أو المسجد او المحلة وصلت

الملئكة على أهل ذلك المكان وعمهم لله تعالى بالرحمة

والرضوان وأما المطوقون بالنور يعنى جبرائيل وميكائيل

واسرافيل وعزرائيل عليهم السلام فانهم يصلون على من كان

سببا لقرائة مولد النبى صلى لله عليه وسلم.

Meaning: Sultanul Areefin Hazrat Imaam Jalaluddin Suyuti Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in his Quuitaab `Wasaayeel Fee Sharhee Shamayeel`, “The Firishta (Angels) Alaihimus Salaam of Allah Ta`aaala surround the house or Masjid or locality where Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is celebrated for expressing happiness. And they recite Swalaat-Swalaam upon the inhabitant of the place. And the great Allah Ta`aala surrounds themselves up with his Rehmaat and happiness. And the prime four angels who are decorated with Noor and that mean Hazrat Zibrael Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Meeqail Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat Israfeel Alaihis Salaam and Hazrat Ajreel Alaihis Salaam recite Swalaat-Swalaam on those who recite Milaad Shareef.


After that, the person who has done a lot of publicity in the sub-continent on the subject of Hadish Shareef, Imaamul Mufassireen wal Muhaddiseen wal Fuqaaha Hazrat Saikh Shah Abdul Muhaddis Dehalvi Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says,


من عظم ليلة مولده بما امكنه من التعطيم والاكرام كان من

الفايزين بدار السلام

Meaning: The person who will respect and show happiness on the Biladaat Shareef of Habeebullah, Noor i Mujassam, Hujoor Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, will get the ever peaceful Jannat.” (Ibnu Nabata, Al Baiyeenaat 159/30)


The son of Hazrat Shaikh Shah Abdul Haque Muhaddis Dehalvi Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says,

اخبرنى سيدى الوالد قال كنت اصنع فى ايام المولد طعاما صلة

بالنبى صلى لله عليه وسلم فلم يفتح لى سنة من السنين شئى

اصنع به طعاما فلم اجد الا حمصا مقليا فقسمته بين الناس فرايته

صلى لله عليه وسلم بين يديه هذه الحمص مبتهجا بشاشا.


Meaning: “My respected father said to me, I used to arrange special Tabarruk (food) every year on the occasion of the Biladaat Shareef of Hujoor Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. But one year I failed to arrange much food except a little fried pea. But still I served those among the people. In this circumstances, I saw Rwasoolullah Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam and those pea was in front of him. And he was very pleased at this.” (Ad-Durrus Sameen)

Regarding this, famous Muhaddis and Muhaqquiq Hazratul Allama Shaikh Shah Abdul Haque Muhaddis Dehalvi Rwahmatullahi Alaihhi says in his famous Quitaab `Akhbarul Akhyaar` on the page 624-

Meaning: “Ya Allah Ta`aala! I have no A`maal of my own; that I can serve at your Mubarak Darbaar. I have fault in every Neeyat of my `Amaal. But only one of my `Amaal is very respectable and valuable in front of your sacred mercy. And that is- Sacred Meeladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, that means expressing happiness I celebrate Majlish on the occasion of the Biladaat Shareef of Hujoor Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and at that Majlish I send Swalaam by standing at the time of Quiyaam. Moreover I recite Swalaat-Swalaam to your Habeeb Hujoor Pak Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam with strict Ajeeji, Inquisaree, Muhabbat, Ikhlaas.”

Ya Allah Ta`aala! Is there any place where more khair-Baraqaat is sent down than on the place of Milaad Shareef that means Swalaat-Swalaam is recited on the occasion of Biladaat Shareef? Ya Arhamur Rwahemeen! I have strict believe in that, my A`maal will not be ruined. Rather that it will be granted to you and whoever recite Swalaat-Swalaam by expressing happiness on the occasion of the Biladaat Shareef and will pray by making Waseela of it, will not be rejected. That means, he must be granted.” Subhanallah!


From all the above references it is proved that, Allah Ta`aala ordered us to celebrate and also he does that himself –the Eid of all the Eid, Saiyeed e Eid e Ajaam, Saiyeed e Eid e Akbar, Sacred Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu `Alaihi wa Sallam. Habeebullah Hujoor Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has done it and ordered us to do it. Khulafa e Rashedween, Shahaba e Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum celebrated it and ordered us to celebrate. Like that, imitated Imaam, Mujtaheed and Awlia e Quiram Rwahmatullahi Alaihim also celebrated Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and motivated to the Ummah to celebrate. May the great Allah Ta`aala help us to spend more and more on the occasion of Saiyeedul A`yaad Sacred Eid e Miladunnwabi Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Ameen.

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