Allah Pak says, Certainly Allah Pak will not forgive that person who associates anyone with Him (Allah Pak). Without this, He (Allah Pak) forgives whom He likes. The Person who associates (anyone) with Allah Pak, will fall into deep Gomrahi (derailed from the right path).
In the eye of honorable Islamic Shariah (Islamic Laws/rules), OmangalOmangal ShovayatraShovayatra (evil procession) including PoojaPooja (evil worship) of infidels is an act of Shirk (Polytheism). Therefore, Those people who will celebrate OmangalOmangal Shovayatra (evil procession) including Pooja (evil worship) or support it, according to Fatwa of honorable Sharia, they will be dismissed from Islam. Their wives will be divorced if they are married and do not make Tawba (repentance with the promise of not-repeating), their Hajj will be rejected, if they have performed that, their inheritance will be cancelled. Their all Nek A’amal (Good Deeds) will be repealed. If they die, none of their Kafon (covering the corpse with cloth), Dafon(burials) and Janaza (funeral) will be permissible to be done and their Dafon (Burial) in Muslim graveyards will also not be permissible. Rather, they will have to be buried in the gutter.
Therefore, it is Far’d (Obligatory) for the government to withdraw the order soon that has been issued by government officials to celebrate the Omangal Shovayatra(evil procession) including Pooja (evil worship) in the country of 98 percent Muslims. Otherwise, Warning to all including the government is that Allah Pak says in the sacred Kalamullah Shareef , “It is announced to all the people on this honorable day of Hajj-E-Akbar from Allah Pak and His ‘Habeeb Noor-e-Mujassam ‘Habeebullah, ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi‘Alaihi wa Sallam that Allah Pak is free from polytheists in other words completely separated and so is His ‘Habeeb Noor-e-Mujassam ‘Habeebullah, ‘Hu’dur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. If you come back from Muhabbat (love) to polytheist and observing their Pooja (evil worship) after making Tawba (repenting), then it would be better for you. And if you do not come back in the other word take away (yourself), then be informed- You will never be able to achieve success over Allah Pak. Warning in the sacred Ayaat Shareef (Verses) three of the sacred Surah Tawba Shareef , Allah Pak says more, Give the news of severe punishment to Kaafir(disbelievers) that is, you (Kaafirs) are being given the news of severe punishment.
– Mubarwak Qawl Shareef : Saiyiduna ‘Hadrwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam
12 Rwajabul ‘Harwaam Shareef, 1438
Focal Wali-Allah, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age, Imaamul Aimmah, Muhyus Sunnah, QutwubulA’alam, Mujaddide A’azwam, ‘Qwaiyumuz-Zaman, Jabbariul Awwal, ‘Qwawewool Awwal, Sultanun-Naseer, ‘Habeebullah, Jamiul Alqab, Awladur Rwasool, Mawlana Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam Alaihis Salaam says, Omangal Shovayatra(evil procession) including Pooja (evil worship) is the religious ceremony of Kaafir (disbelievers) and Mushrik (polytheists). Observing that keeps kufri(disbelieving) and shirki(polytheism). And Allah Pak says about Shirk (polytheism) in the sacred Ayaat Shareef (Verses) 116 of the sacred Surah Nisa Shareef- Certainly Allah Pak do not forgive the person who associates anyone with Him(Allah Pak). Without this, He forgives anyone whom He likes. The person who associates (Anyone) with Allah Pak, will fall into deep Gomrahi (derailed from the right path). Naoo’zubillah! In the eye of honorable Islamic Sharia, Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession) including Pooja (evil worship) is clearly act of Shirk(polytheism). In other words, Pooja of infidels. Survival from that is Far’d-E-Ayeen (obligatory for individuals) for all Muslims.
He delivered these speeches while discussing on directives of hohorable Deen Islam about exotic and non-religious culture upcoming Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession).
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam continues, Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession) is a part of Hindu religion and Hindu culture. Basically, through these rite and rituals aimed at dev-devi (Hindu male and female idols), one minority group wished for welfare. There is one vehicle of every hindu deity. According to religious beliefs of the minority Hindu community, the owl is the symbol of (un)welfare and the vehicle of Laksmi. Rats are vehicles of Ganesh, Entellus are vehicles of Ram, Ducks are vehicles of Saraswatee, Cows are fellow travelers of Ram, Shish Nag (Snakes) and Eagles are Vishnu’s vehicles, Swans are vehicles of Brahmma, Lions and tigers are vehicles of Durga, Elephants are vehicles of Indra, Peacocks are vehicles of Kartik, Crows/vultures are vehicles of devi Shanee (hindu deity), Cats are vehicles of Dev (deity) of punishment, Donkeys are vehicles of Sitala, Buffalos are vehicles of Death devi (deity), Tigers are vehicles of Shib’s son Ayappa, Sun is symbol of Devota (deity) and Peacocks are vehicles of Kartik.
Bulls, Elephants, Lions, Horses, Tigers, Cows, Goats, Monkeys, Pigs, Donkeys, Rabbits, Crows, Eagles, Frogs, Crabs, Turtles, Fish etc. are vehicles of shib. That is to say, It is seen that the animals whose masks are worn and statues are made in the Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession) are the vehicles of different hindu dev-devi (hindu male and female deities) in deed. There is no such animal, which is not the vehicle of hindu dev-devi (hindu male and female deities). Showing the reason of Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession), (Un)welfare is desired precisely to these dev-devi (hindu male and female deities) that is abhorrent shirk (associating anyone with Allah Pak) for a Muslim. Therefore, It is not permissible for the Muslims to celebrate this Aamool of shirk (associating anyone with Allah Pak) in the other word, the festival of Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession) including Pooja (evil worship) of the infidels.
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam says, Those people who will observe Omangal Jatra or support it, They will be dismissed from Muslims according to fatowa(Islami religious rules) of honorable Shariah. If they do not make Tawba (repentance) then their wives will be divorced, if they marry. Hajj will be canceled, if they perform Hajj. Heirship will be cancelled.
All their nek Aaamol (Good Deeds) will be annihilated. None of their Gusal (the last bath), Kafon(Wearing the shroud) and Janaza(Funeral) will be permissible to be done . And even Dafon( burials) in the graveyard of Muslims will not be permissible. Rather, They will have to be buried in the cave.
Mujaddide A’azwam, Saiyiduna ‘Ha’drwat Imaamul Umam ‘Alaihis Salaam sums up, It is far’d (obligatory) for the government to withdraw the order soon regarding the celebration of Omangal Shovayatra (evil procession) including Pooja( evil worship), bringing the government officials under trial who have issued the order for observing the Omangal Shovayatra(evil procession).