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The Brief Wazifah Shareef

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah Ta’ala, the most gracious, the most merciful



The Brief Wazifah Shareef


Khaleefatullah, Khaleefatu Rwasoolillah, Sultanul Awliaa, Makhzanul Marifah, Khajinatur Rahmah, Muinul Millah, Lisaanul Ummah, Taazul Mufassireen, Fakhrul Fukaha, Hakeemul Hadith, Hujjatul Islam, Saiyeedul Muztahideen, Muhyus Sunnah, Mahiul Bidaah, Sahibul Ilhaam, Rasul-e-Numa, Saiyeedul Awliaa, Sultanul Aarifeen, Imaamus Siddikeen, Sahibu Sultaan-Un-Naseer, Mustajabut Dawaat, Qutub-Ul-‘Alam, Al Gawsul A’azwam, Qaiyum-Uz-Zamaan, Al Jabbariul Auwaal, Al Qawiul Auwaal, Imaam-Ul-Ayemma, Imaamush Shariaah waat Tarikaah, Habeebullah, Jami’ul Alkaab, Awlad-E-Rwasool, Saiyeeduna Imaam Hadrat Mujaddidu A’azwam Alaihis Salam


Imaam ‘Ha’drwat Mujaddidu ‘Aazwam ‘Alaihis Salam


Al Hasani Wal Husaini Wal Quraishi Wal Hanafi Wal Qaadiri Wal Chishti Wan Nakshbandi, Wal Mujaddidi Wal Muhammadi

Rajarbag Sharif, Dhaka


All the praises are for Allah Ta’ala Who Has created mankind only for the purpose of Ibaadat (praying) of Allah Ta’ala. In this regard, Allah Ta’ala says, “I have created Jinns and Humans only for my worship (Li Ya’abudun)”. In the explanation of this Ayaat (sentence), Mufas-sireens (Muslim scholars who explain Al-Quran and Al-Hadis) have said, “In fact, Allah Ta’ala  Has created humans to achieve Muhabbat-Ma’arifat (Love and Knowing) of Allah Ta’ala .”  It should be said that a condition before acquiring Muhabbat-Ma’arifat of Allah Ta’ala through Ibaadat is “TAZKIYA-i-‘Qualb”, that is to purify the ‘Qualb. Because, I’khlas (purification, perfection) cannot be achieved until the ‘Qualb is purified and no ‘Ibaadat without I’khlas is accepted by Allah Ta’ala. For example, in the Hadi’s (Hadis) of Nasaee Shareef, it is said, “Of course, Allah Ta’ala  does not accept the Ibaadat which are done without I’khlas – meaning that, those Ibaadat are not performed  with the aim of gaining satisfaction of Allah Ta’ala .”  For this reason, in all the books of Tafseer (explanation, commentary), Hadis, Fiqah (Islamic rules and regulations), Fotwah (Religious Decision) and Tasawwuf (spiritual knowledge), it is said that, “Gaining I’khlas is Far’d (compulsory).” It is good to remember that, the only way to do “Tazkiya-i-‘Qualb” (Purification of the ‘Qualb) is to practice ‘Ilm-i-Tasawwuf (Spiritual Knowledge) or to do Jikir-Fikir (remembrance and thinking of Allah Ta’aala) according to Twareeqah (spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala). So, it is the opinion of Islamic scholars that to do Jikir-Fikir (remembrance and thinking of Allah Ta’aala) upto reaching Sultanul-Azkar (Jikr of whole body/Jikr of highest level) is Fard. But, in this regards, it is also Fard to make Baiyat (surrender) to one Haqqani (Real), Kaamil (who has reached perfection) Shayikh (Spiritual Teacher). Because, without Kamil Peer or Shayikh, it is never possible to gain ‘Ilm-i-Tasawwuf or I’khlas. For this reason, Hazrat Shayikh-i-Akbar Abdul ‘Qadir Jilani Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Gazzali Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi, Hazrat Mujaddid-e-Alfe Sani Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi and Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad Refayi Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi and many other Imams (Religious Leaders), Mujtahids (Islamic Lawmakers/experts in Islamic rules) and Awliaa-i-Kirams (Spiritual Teachers) (Rahmatullahi ‘alayhi) have stated in their Fatwa (religious Decision), “In order to purify ‘Qualb with the aim of acquiring Ikhlas, it is Fard (compulsory) to accept Baiyat (surrender) to one Kaamil Shayikh”. May Allah Ta’ala give all of us the Tawfiq (capability) to receive Baiyat to one Haqqani, Kamil Shayikh and to gain satisfaction of Allah Ta’ala by acquiring I’khlas though practising Jikr-Fikr according to the Twareeqah.


Pas Anfas Jikir


Literally, ‘Pas Anfas’ Jikir means “Jikir through Breathing”. The Salek (spiritual student) will continue doing this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) all the time in all conditions. This Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) is done by breathing with concentration/thinking. While breathing OUT, think  لا اله (La Ilaha)  and during breathing IN, thinkالا الله  (Illallah). So, secular thoughts will go out of oneself and I’khlas will enter into oneself. There should not be any forcing during this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala). Salek (spiritual student) will try to do this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) whenever he remembers this. Thus, if the Salek (spiritual student)  continuously practices, this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) will become permanent (Jari) in his breathing by the Ruhani Fayez (Spiritual Blessings) of Shaikh (Spiritual Teacher) Mudda Zilluhul ‘Aalee. Then this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) will automatically continue without any efforts. Always remember to do this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) in all 24 hours even while working, eating, writing, talking – in a word, during all types of activities. If the Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) is done with concentration while active/awake, this Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) will continue while sleeping as well. By doing this Jikir (Remebrance/Chant), gradually the attraction to Duniya (the World) will go away and the Muhabbat (Love) for Allah Ta’aala will increase.



Procedure of ‘Saowab Resaani (Sending blessings )


The Salek (spiritual student) will do ‘Saowab Resani before starting the Sobok (lessons) or Jikir. Procedure for ‘Saowab Resani is as follows:

  1. Istigfar — 3 times:        استغفر الله رب من كل ذنب واتوب اليه

Pronunciation: Astaghfirullaha Rwabbi Min Kulli Zambiu Wa Atoobu Ilaihi.

Meaning: I am seeking forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala from all kinds of sins and returning to Allah Ta’ala.

  1. With A’auzubillah and Bismillah,  Surah Al- Fatiha – 1 time
  2. Bismillah and Surah Al- I’khlas – 3 times
  3. Dorood Shareef that is assigned to read with a particular Twareekah after Isha — 5 times

—After finishing Dorood Shareef, Salek (spiritual student) will say the following Munajat (D’uaa):

            Munajat/D’uaa: Yah Allah Ta’aala! Whatsoever I have read just now,  Please carry the Saowaab (that i will get for this recitation) to Akhiri Rwasool, Saiyeedul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin, Khwatamun-Nabiyeen, Rahmatullil ‘Alamin, Noor-i-Mujassam, A’qaa of heart, A’qaa-i-Namdaar, Habeebullah Hazrat Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam and to HIS Al-Awlaad ( Ahle Bait/Descendants), to HIS Azwaj (respectable Ummul Mu’minin) and to HIS As-Hab (Sahaba-e-Quirams) And to All who have received Niyamah, to All Nabi, Rwasool, Shahid, Siddiq, Swaleh, to all Awliaa-i-Quirams (Spiritual Teachers) and  to the Arwah  of those M’umin, M’uminah who are lying in ‘Qabar (graveyard) and to the Nek (pure) ‘Amalnamah (record of deeds) of all who are alive and by the Waseelah (Media) of all of them, specially by the Waseelah (Media)of our Rwasool Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant us YOUR Ma’rifat (recognition) and Muhabbat (love). And please grant me Tawfiq (opportunity) to follow our Rwasool Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam completely. (Ameen)



      Lesson of ‘Qadria Twareeqah ( spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala)


Ba’ad (after) Isha Dorood Shareef:

After Salatul Isha, murid (spiritual student) of ‘Qadria Twareeqah will do ‘’Saowab Resani’ by sitting as like as sitting in Swalaat and closing eyes make the Neeyat as given below:

Niyat: I am concentrating (Mutawajjuh) on my ‘Qualb. By the Wasilah (media) of the ‘Qualb Mubarak of Mamduh ‘Ha’drwat Murshid ‘Qibla ‘Alaihis Salaam, my ‘Qualb is concentrated towards the ‘Qualb of Nabi Karim Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant me HIS Muhabbat (love), Ziarat (visit) and Tawajjuh (kind attention).

Then read the following Dorud Shareef 100 times as per direction of Shaikh (Spiritual Teacher)- never to read more or less than this directed number.

اللهم صل على سيدنا نبينا حبيبنا شفيعنا مولانا معدن الجود والكرم وازواجه واهل بيته واصحابه واله وسلم.


Pronunciation: Allahumma Swalli ‘Ala Sai-yeedina Nabi-yeena ’Habeebinaa Shafee’ena Maulana ma’danil Joodi Wal Qarami wa Azwaajihi Wa Ahle Baitihi Wa As’-’haabihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.

100 times

Meaning: Yah Allah Ta’ala ! May You grant Salat and Salam (exclusive Rahmat and peace) upon our Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam Who is the Origin of all Donations and Graces and upon His Al-Awlad (respectable Ahle Bait/descendents), Azwaj (respectable Ummul M’uminin) and As-Habs (Sahaba-i-Kirams).


Ba’ad (after) Fajar Dorood Shareef:

After Salatul Fajar, salek (spiritual student) of ‘Qwadria Twareeqah (order) will do ‘‘’Saowab Resani’’ by sitting as like as sitting in Swalaat and closing eyes make the Neeyat as given below:

Niyat: I am concentrating (Mutawajjuh) on my ‘Qualb. By the Wasilah (Media) of the ‘Qualb Mubarak of Mamduh ‘Ha’drwat Murshid ‘Qibla ‘Alaihis Salaam, my ‘Qualb is concentrated towards the ‘Qualb of Hazrat Shayikh Abdul ‘Qadir Jilani Rahmtullahi ‘Alaihi. Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant me HIS Muhabbat (love), Ziarat (visit) and Tawajjuh ( kind attention).

Then read the following Dorood Shareef 100 times as per direction of Shaikh (Spiritual Teacher) :

اللهم صل على سيدنا نبينا حبيبنا شفيعنا مولانا سيد المرسلين وعلى ارشد اولاده الشيخ سيد محى الدين الغوث الاعظم سيد الاولياء جيلانى رحمة الله عليه امام الطريقة والاولياء الكاملين.

Pronunciation: Allahumma Swalli ‘Ala Sai-yeedina Nabi-yeena ’Habeebinaa Shafee’ena Maulana Saiyeedil Mursalin wa ‘Ala Arshadi Awladihis-Shaikh Sai-yeed Muhiuddeen Al-Gausul ‘Aazwam Sai-yeedul Awliaa Jilani Rwa’hmatullahi ‘Alaihi Imamit-Twareeqati wal Awliaa-il-Kaamileen.    100 times


Meaning: Yah Allah Ta’ala ! May You grant Swalah (exclusive Rahmat) upon our Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Who is the Rwasool  of all Rwasools and upon His Awlad (Respectable Ahle Bait) who has attained most righteous path, Hazrat Shaikh Abdul ‘Qwadir Jilani Rahmtullahi ‘Alaihi, Who is the Imam of Twareeqat and is the Imam of Kaamil (attained perfection) ‘Awliaa-i-Kiram (Spiritual Teachers).


Lesson of Chistia Twareeqah (spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala) (


Ba’ad (after) Isha Dorood Shareef:

After Salatul Isha, Murid (spiritual student) of ChistiaTwareekah will do ‘’Saowab Resani’ by sitting as like as sitting in Swalaat and closing eyes make the Neeyat as given below:

Neeyat: I am concentrating (Mutawajjuh) on my ‘Qualb. By the Wasilah (Media) of the ‘Qualb Mubarak of Mamduh ‘Ha’drwat Murshid ‘Qibla ‘Alaihis Salaam, my ‘Qualb is concentrated to the ‘Qualb of Nabiye Karim Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant me HIS Muhabbat (love), Ziarat (visit) and Tawajjuh ( kind attention).

Then read the following Dorood Shareef 100 times as per direction of Shaikh (Spiritual Teacher) – never to read more or less than this directed number.


اللهم صل على سيدنا نبينا حبيبنا شفيعنا مولانا النبى الامى وازواجه واهل بيته واصحابه واله وسلم.

Pronunciation: Allahumma Swalli ‘Ala Sai-yeedina Nabi-yeena ’Habeebinaa Shafee’ena Maulana An-Nabi-yil Ummi wa Azwaajihi Wa Ahle Baitihi Wa As’-’haabihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.             100 times

Meaning: Yah Allah Ta’ala! May YOU grant Swalaat and Swalaam (exclusive Reahmat and peace) upon our Rwasool Hazrat Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Who is Nabi-yil- Ummi and upon His Al-Awlad (respectable Ahle Bait/descendents), Azwaj (respectable Ummul M’uminin) and As-Habs (Sahaba-i-Kirams).


Ba’ad (after) Fajar Dorood Shareef:

After Swalatul Fajar, Salek (spiritual student)  of Chistia Twareeqah (Order) will do ‘’Saowab Resani’ by sitting as like as sitting in Swalat and closing his/her eyes make the Neeyat (Intention) as given below:

Neeyat: I am concentrating (Mutawajjuh) on my ‘Qualb. By the Wasilah (Media) of the ‘Qualb Mubarak of Mamduh ‘Ha’drwat Murshid ‘Qibla ‘Alaihis Salaam, my ‘Qualb is concentrated towards the ‘Qualb of Khwajaye Khwajegah Mu’iyeenuddin Chisti Sanjeri Rahmtullahi ‘Alaihi. Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant me HIS Muhabbat (love), Ziarat (visit) and Tawajjuh (kind attention).

Then read the following Dorood Shareef 100 times as per direction of Shayikh (Spiritual Teacher):

اللهم صل على سيدنا نبينا حبيبنا شفيعنا مولانا سيد المرسلين وعلى محى سنته واولاده الشيخ سلطان الهند خواجه غريب نواز حبيب الله جيشتى رحمة الله عليه امام الطريقة والاولياء الكاملين.

Pronunciation: Allahumma Swalli ‘Ala Sai-yeedina Nabi-yeena ’Habeebinaa Shafee’ena Maulana Saiyeedil Mursaleen wa ‘Ala Muh-i-Sunnatihee wa Awlaadihish-Shaikh Sultwaanul ‘Hind Khwaajah, Gwareebe Newaaz ‘Habeebullah Chisti Rwa’h-matullahi ‘Alaihi, Imamit-Twareeqati wal Awliaa-il-Kaamileen.  —                                                                                                                         100 times


Meaning: Yah Allah Ta’ala! May you grant Swalat (exclusive Rahmah) upon our Rwasool Hazrat Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Who is the Rwasool of all Rwasools and upon His reviver of Sunnah Hazrat Khwaja Mu’iyeenuddin Chisti Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi, Who is the Imam of Twareeqah (Order) and is the Imam of Kaamil Awliaa-i-Kiram (Spiritual Teachers).




Lesson of Naqshbandia-i-Mujaddidia Twareeqah ( spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala)


Ba’ad (after) Isha Dorood Shareef:


After Salatul Isha, Murid (spiritual student) of Naqshbandia-i-Mujaddidia Twareeqah (order) will do ‘’Saowab Resani’ by sitting as like as sitting in Swalaat and closing eyes make the Neeyat as given below:

Neeyat: I am concentrating (Mutawajjuh) on my ‘Qualb. By the Wasilah (Media) of the ‘Qualb Mubarak of Mamduh ‘Ha’drwat Murshid ‘Qibla ‘Alaihis Salaam, my ‘Qualb is concentrated to the ‘Qualb of Nabiye Karim Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam. Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant me HIS Muhabbat (love), Ziarat (visit) and Tawajjuh (kind attention).

Then read the following Dorood Shareef 100 times as per direction of Shayikh (Spiritual Teacher) – never to read more or less than this directed number:


اللهم صل على سيدنا نبينا حبيبنا شفيعنا مولانا وسيلتى اليك وازواجه واهل بيته واصحابه واله وسلم.


Pronunciation: Allahumma Swalli ‘Ala Sai-yeedina Nabi-yeena ’Habeebinaa Shafee’ena Maulana Waseelatee Ilaika wa Azwaajihi Wa Ahle Baitihi Wa As’-’haabihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim                  100 times

Meaning: Yah Allah Ta’aala! May You grant Swalaat and Swalaam (exclusive Rehmat and peace) upon our Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Who is my Wasila (Means) to You from me and upon His Al-Awlad (respectable Ahle Bait/descendents), Azwaj (respectable Ummul M’uminin) and As-Habs (Sahaba-i-Kirams Rwadiallahu Ta’ala Anhu).


Ba’ad (after) Fajar Dorood Shareef:

After Salatul Fajr, salek (spiritual student)  of Naqshbandia-i-Mujaddidia Twareeqah ( spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala) (order) will do ‘’Saowab Resani’ by sitting as like as sitting in Swalaat and closing eyes make the Neeyat as given below:

Niyat: I am concentrating (Mutawajjuh) on my ‘Qualb. By the Wasilah(Media) of the ‘Qualb Mubarak of Mamduh ‘Ha’drwat Murshid ‘Qibla ‘Alaihis Salaam, my ‘Qualb is concentrated towards the ‘Qualb of Hazrat Mujaddide Alfe Sani  Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi. Yah Allah Ta’aala, please grant me HIS Muhabbat (love), Ziarat (visit) and Tawajjuh (kind attention).

Then read the following Dorood Shareef 100 times as per direction of Shayikh (Spiritual Teacher):

اللهم صل على سيدنا نبينا حبيبنا شفيعنا مولانا سيد المرسلين وعلى محى سنته الشيخ القيوم الاول افضل الاولياء الفاروقى سيرهندى مجدد الف ثانى رحمة الله عليه امام الطريقة والاولياء الكاملين.

Pronunciation: Allahumma Swalli ‘Ala Sai-yeedina Nabi-yeena ’Habeebinaa Shafee’ena Maulana Saiyeedil Mursalin wa ‘Ala Muh-i-Sunnatihish-Shaikh Al-‘Qwai-yumul Awwal Afdwaalul Awliaa Al-Faruqee Sirhindi Mujaddide Alfe Sani Rwa’hmtullahi ‘Alaihi, Imamit-Twareeqati wal Awliaa-il-Kaamileen                                                                                                                                100 times


Meaning: Yah Allah Ta’ala! May you grant Swalah (Khas Rahmah) upon our Rwasoolullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Who is the Rwasool of all Rwasools and upon His reviver of Sunnah Hazrat Mujaddide Alfe Sani Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi.

Duties of  Salek :

* The Salek (spiritual student) of one Twareeqa (spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala) cannot practice the lessons of another Twareeqah (spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala) without permission of Shaikh (Spiritual Teacher).

* The Salek (spiritual student) has to contact with Shayikh (Spiritual Teacher) to take the next lesson of his own Twareeqah (spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala) (Order).

*When Pas-Anfas Jikir (remembrance of Allah Ta’aala) is established (continues automatically) and the Salek (spiritual student) also regularly reads the Dorood Shareef, the Salek (spiritual student)  then has to collect the text book of his/her own Twareeqah ( spiritual way to Allah Ta’aala) (Order) and contact Shaikh ( Spiritual Teacher) for the next lessons.


Contact Address: Muhammadia Jamia Shareef (Madrasa)

5, Outer Circular Road, Rajarbagh, Dhaka-1217

Phone: +88028321240, Fax: 9338788

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