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Home / Known-Unknown / It is faraj to keep beard one handful long, keeping mustache short is Sunnat, shaving mustache in ‘Bidaat’ (not Sunnat)

It is faraj to keep beard one handful long, keeping mustache short is Sunnat, shaving mustache in ‘Bidaat’ (not Sunnat)

Speech of  opposition : Keeping beard is not necessary , it is just a Sunnat. Beard should be as long as others can see that from far. It is not necessary to keep beard one handful long. And shaving mustache is Sunnat.

What is said in Islam : It is faraz-wazib to keep beard one handful long. That means it is Haraam to cut beard before it is one handful long. Four Imaam of Majhabs are agreed about it. Shaving mustache is Maqru Tahrimi and Bidaat. Mustache should be cut with scissors so small that it can be caught with finger nail.

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