You know that America and its people had to face tremendous natural calamities and extreme economic crisis as infernos of Allah Sub’haanahu wa Ta’ala and still you are facing. If you all do not do Tawbah i.e. if you do not return to the sinless life from the core of your heart, you are going to face tougher infernos of Allah Sub’haanahu wa Ta’ala very soon.
You are also well aware that the real cause of extreme infernos of Allah Sub’haanahu wa Ta’ala over you is unjustly deploying your uncultured troops who are torturing the Muslims and plundering their assets and properties.
You further know that the key person behind the change of the face of America, who brought the severe infernos of Allah Sub’haanahu wa Ta’ala by doing inhuman aggression, torture and oppression on the Muslims and turning powerful America into beggar America, is the main infamous international terrorist george w. bush.
Thus, Mr. Obama! As a capable and sensible President it would be your immediate responsibility to cease all kinds of tyranny from over the Muslims and withdraw all your troops from all Muslim countries forthwith. Secondly, you should go for apprehending bush and take every measure to try him and award him death penalty.