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Fatwa on legitimacy of picture of living being in Islam

The evidences and proves about being Haraam and Najaij to create or to make someone to create idol-sculpture of animals, capturing picture of animals or made someone to cpture it, drawing or to make someone to draw  pictures of animals and keeping those.

As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Matwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj


Meaning: According to Hadish Sahreef it is not only Haraam but also strict Haraam to keep relation with picture-idol-sculpture of animals. And it is a Qabeerah sin since hard punishment was promised for committing such crime according to Hadish Shareef. It is Haraam in any way whether it is made for insulting someone or not. Because it demands about creating something like the creation of Allah Ta`aala. Hazrat Imaam Nubabi Rahmatullahi Alaihi says, drawing or creating these on bed sheet, silver coin, gold coin, money, pot, wall and any kind of stuff are Haraam equally. But it is not Haraam to have pictures of trees, horse rides or something like that without life. It is the final decision about picture of animal-idol-sculpture. (As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Regarding to the punishment of those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture on the day of Quiyamah, Volume-6, Page-46)


Meaning: There is no difference between being Haraam to create idol-sculpture with body and pictures of animal without body. Writer Hafiz Munjiri Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says, it is the only decision about this Masalaa in our Majhaab. Most of the Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum, Hazrat Tabiyee Rwahmatullahi Alaihim and after them Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa Rwahmatullahui Alaihi, hazrat Imam Sufiyaan Sauri Rwahmatullahi Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Malik Rwahmatullahi Alaihi and others have the same decision about it. (As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Regarding to the punishment of those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture on the day of Quiyamah, Volume-6, Page-46)


Meaning: Couple of Imaam-Mujtaheed Rwahmatullahi Alaihim said afterwards, `those who say that it is forbidden about creating idol-sculpture with body but it is legal to create picture of animal without body`- their statement is rejected. Because certainly Habeebullah Hujoor Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam got angry to see the curtain with the picture of animal and there is no doubt that, those activities are disgraceful and veil.

(As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Regarding to the punishment of those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture on the day of Quiyamah, Volume-6, Page-46)


Meaning: Tabiyee Hazrat Imaam Sihab Juhri Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says, ` Generally having picture of animal, idol and sculpture is forbidden and Haraam. Dealing with these and entering into such a home that have those is also Haraam. Same rule is applicable to have picture of animal on cloth or other stuff that is not cloth. According to the explanation of other similar Hadish Shareef, making those on wall, cloth, bed are Haraam whether it is done to insult or not. It is the strongest opinion.

(As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Regarding to the punishment of those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture on the day of Quiyamah, Volume-6, Page-46)


Meaning: Hazrat Imam Nubabee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says, making tree look like stuff and other stuff that have no soul and making money with those are not Haraam. Similar orders are applicable for tree with flower and fruit and other things like that. He (Hazrat Hafiz Munjiree Rwahmatullahi Alaihi) says, it is the final decision of all Ulama I Quiram Rwahmatullahi Alaihim. But only Tabiyee Hazrat Mujahid Rwahmatullahi Alaihi-his opinion is it is Maqruh Tanjihi to make pictures of tree with flower and fruit (to the point of viev of Taqwa). Hazrat Qadi Ayaad Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says, No one except Hazrat Mujahid Rwahmatullahi Alaihi gave the opinion

to be this as Maqruh Tanjihi. The writer of the book `An Nail` says, Shariah has the permission to create the picture of tree and other stuff that have no soul. But especially according to Fotwa, it is Haraam to create picture of animal, idol, sculpture. The writer of the book `Al Bahruj Jukhaar` says, It is an Izma and that means all came in the same decision that it is not Maqruh Tanjihi rather than legal to create picture of tree and other object that have no life.

(As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Regarding to the punishment of those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture on the day of Quiyamah, Volume-6, Page-47)


Meaning: From Hadish Shareef of this chapter prove that, certainly it is strict Haraam to create picture of animal, idol, sculpture. Hadish Shareef threatened to have the punishment in Jahannam at that issue. And certainly each of those who will create picture of animal, idol, sculpture will be the resident of Jahannam. And in other Hadish Sharef it says that, Curse will fall down upon those who are `Musabbireen` and that means those who create the picture of animal, idol, sculpture. Those are very bad things to do and there is no way not to consider those as Haraam. The writer of the book `An Nail` says, certainly dealing with picture of animal, idol, sculpture are Haraam. The cause of this is, it demands about creating something like the creation of Khwaleeq, Maliq, Rwaab Allah Ta`aala.

(As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Strict awareness to those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture, Volume-6, Page-48)


Meaning: One of the signs of Quiyamaat is, now days pictures of animal, idols, sculptures are spreaded all over the places disasters and high mortality. Moreover this practice has been going on in wit food, drinking bottles, garments, houses and transports (it means all kind of car, bus, train, truck, launch, stemar, ship, aeroplane etc). Besides pictures of animals are being used on our daily stuff like books, silver coins, golden coins, money and other stuff. It is very difficult to get rid of those. But still we have to get rid of those because we are created to pray to Allah Ta`aala and we shall return to him. (Therefore, making pictures of animals, idols, sculptures and practice those are Haraam and this is the final decision).

(As Sirajul Wahhajj Fee Qaashfi Maatwalibi Muslimibnil Hazzaj, Chapter: garment and decoration, Part: Strict awareness to those who create pictures of animal, idol and sculpture, Volume-6, Page-48)

Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeheel Imaam Muslimibnil Hajjajil Kushairy


The above Quitaab was written by Allama Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Twaqee Usmani Hanafee. According to above quitaab practicing pictures of animals, idols, and scuptures are Haraam and it says-



Meaning: Hadish Shareef, narrated by Hazrat Abu Twalha Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says, “Malaika of Rehmat do not enter into a house or place where dog and picture of animal-idol-sculpture exists.” Hazrat Imam Hafiz ibne Hazar Asqalaani Shafiyee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in his Quitaab `Al Fathul Bari Alaa Swaheehil Bukhari` at volume-10 on page-152 that, the aim of this Hadish Sahreef is- those houses where people live. That could be house, tent or some other place whatever it is, Malaika of Rehmat do not enter there if picture of animal-idol-sculpture esist in there.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeheel Imaam Muslimibnil Hajjajil Kushairy, chapter: garment and decoration, part: practicing pictures of animals, idols, and scuptures are Haraam, Volume-4, Page-152, publisher: Darul Ulum, Karachi)


Meaning: Making picture of animal-idol-sculpture that has spirit and keeping those at home are Haraam according to Shariah. At this, `Jamhuur` which means most of the Fuqaha I Quiram Rwahmatullahi Alaihim made `Izma` which means they agreed altogether. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-155)


Meaning: Hazrat Jabir Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu says, Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor I Mujassam, Habeebullah Hujoor Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam fobade us and that means decleared Haraam to keep picture of animal-idol-sculpture at home ( in tent or any ither place). And he also forbade us to make those and that means decleared Haraam. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-156)


Meaning: 14 Marfuu Hadish Shareef was noted here (in this Quitaab).  Every Hadish Shareef above actually proves that, it is forbidden to make picture of animal-idol-sculpture is forbidden and that means Haraam. And at this order, there is no difference among picture of animal or idol with body, sculpture on cloth, paper or some other things. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-157)


Meaning: The rule from speech and activities of Hazrat Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum regarding picture of animal-idol-sculpture: Actually it is proved from the explanation of Hazrat Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum and Hazrat Tabiyeen Rwahmatullahi Alaihim that, they decleared the Fatwa to be Haraam regarding picture of animal-idol-sculpture. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-157)


Meaning: Sahaba Hazrat Abu Masud Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu narrates, “certainly one person invited him and cooked food for him. At that time he (Hazrat Abu Masud Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhu) asked that man, is there any shape and that means picture of animal-idol-sculpture in the house? The man replied, yes there is. He refused to enter into the house after hearing this. After that he entere into the home when all those are destroyed.” In the same way, Hazrat Imam Baihaqi Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in his Quitaab `Sunan` Shareef in volume-7, page-268, in chapter `marriage` at the place called `Surh` narrated about this. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-158)


Meaning: Tabiyee Hazrat Qatadah Rahmatullahi Alaihi says, picture of animal with spirit-idol-sculpture is Maqruh Tahrimi. But there is no problem with plant. It is narrated by Hazrat Imam Abdur Razzaq Rwahmatullahi Alaihi in his `Musannaf` Shareef, volume-10, page-400, Hadish Shareef no-19493. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-158)


Meaning: Hazrat Ibnu Sa`ad Rwahmatullahi Alaihi narrates in his `Twabaqaat` Shareef, volume-5, page-134 that, Certainly Tabiyee Hazrat Saiyeed Bin Musaiyib Rwahmatullahi Alaihi did not permit his daughter to play with a doll and that means gave her any chance.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-158)


Meaning: The opinions of Hazrat Fuqaha Rwahmatullahi Alaihim: from the basis of the above Hadish Shareef and Asaar Shareef, most of the Fuq`aaha I Quiram Rwahmatullah Alihi gave the Haraam Fatwa for making picture and keeping those in house. Either it is idol-sculpture with body or picture of animal without body, the rule is the same.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-158)


Meaning: Hazrat Imam Nubabee Shafiyee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says, Our and other Ulama I Quiram Rwahmatullahi Alaihim says, practicing with picture of animal-idol-sculpture is strict Haraam and Qabeera Gunah.Because, Hadish Shareef priomised strict punishment about this. The rule is the same whether it is made to humiliate or not. Making these are Haraam in any way. As, these expresses similarities with Allah Ta`aala-his creation. If the picture of the creator who draws picture, hangs on wall, cloth, garment, turban and on some other thing, will be Haraam whether it is done for humiliation or not. There is no difference between idol-sculpture with body and picture of animal without body. This is the final decision about this Masa`laa in our Majhab. Most of the Hazrat Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahi Ta`aala Anhum, Hazrat Tabiyeen Quiram Rwahmatullahi Alaihim and Hazrat Ulama I Quiram Rwahmatullahi Alaihim afterwards have the same opinion about it. And this opinion is also given by Hazrat Imam Sufian Sauri Rwahmatullahi Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa Rwahmatullahi Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Malik Rwahmatullahi Alaihi and other Imam of different Majhab.


Meaning: Similarly said Hazrat Imam Badruddin Ayni Hanafee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi Hanafee (About being Haraam about picture of animal-idoi-sculpture) in his Quitaab `Umdatul Qari Sharhe Bukhari`, volume-10, page-309. Same Fatwa was narrated by all the Imam and Mujtahid of Hanafee, Shafiyee, Hambalee. Hazrat Imam Mardabi Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in his Quitaab `Insaaf` in volume-1, page-474 that, picture of animal with spirit or soul-idol-sculpture are Haraam. But the picture of plant and similar object are not Haraam. Here `Timsal` means the picture that is not of any animal with life. And it is the accurate decision. According to the accurate decision, it is Haraam to hang up picture of animal on home, wall of home. Similarly Hazrat Ibnu QudamahRwahmatullahi Alaihi gave his decision in his Quitaab `Mugni` in volume-7, page-7 in chapter `Walimah`.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-159)


Meaning: Hazrat Ubai Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in his Sarah of Muslim Shareef called `Sharhul Ubai` in volume-5, page-394 that, Couple of Imam have their different opinion about the picture of animal without body. But Tabiyee Hazrat Ibnu Shihab Juhree Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says Maqruh Tahrimi to make picture of animal on wall, cloth and other object. Actually they are Haraam.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-159)


Meaning: Hazrat Allama Dardeer Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in his Quitaab `Sharhush Swageer Alaa Mukhtasaar Khwaleel` says, actually the main decision is, The Izma is established about being Haraam regarding picture of animal-idol-sculpture. (Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-159)


Meaning: According to the description of the Quitaabs of Maleki Majhab, most of the Ulama e Quiraam say, idols are Maqruh Tahrimi although it is made to humiliate. Hazrat Kharshee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says in hie Quitaab`s volume-3, page-303 that, it is noted in the Quitaab `At Tauheed` that, it is legal if the picture is about plant without life or object like tree etc. And according to the Izmaul Ummah, it is Haraam to have idol-sculpture of animal that can walk itself. Similarly, it is Haraam to have idol-sculpture of the animal with body that cannot walk. It is similarly noted in the Quitaab `Add Dardeer Fish Sharahhil Qabeer`; `Add Dusuqee` in volume-2, page-338,  and`Ajj Jurqaanee Alaa Mukhtasaar Khwaleel` in volume-4, page-53.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-159)


Meaning: Regarding to idol-sculpture with body the opinion of the four Imaam of Majhab (Hazrat Abu Hanifa Rwahmatullahi Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Malik Rwahmatullahu Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Shafiyee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi and Imam Ahmad Bin Hamble Rwahmatullahi Alaihi) their combined opinion and that meas Izma is, practising those are forbidden and Haraam. And three Imaam (Hazrat Abu Hanifa Rwahmatullahi Alaihi, Hazrat Imam Shafiyee Rwahmatullahi Alaihi and Imam Ahmad Bin Hamble Rwahmatullahi Alaihi) their opinion is, picture of animal without body is Haraaam according to one opinion. The opinion that is granted and have the most priority among the most of the Imam of the Maleki Majhab says, the picture of animal is Maqruh Tahrimi.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-159)


Meaning: one of the sides says: According to the basis of the above Hadish Shareef, it is not Haraam to have design on cloth, therefore, it is legal. In reply to this, `Jamhur` and that means the most of the Ulama I Quiram says, design on cloth means trees without life and likely plant and other object. Therefore, It is never legal to have picture of animal and that is Haraam.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-160)


Meaning: Some people (rejected) of our age (15th Hizri) demand that, “It was Haraam to have picture of animal-idol-sculpture in the early age of Islam. Because, in the earlier days of Islam, it was near the days of `Jahiliah` (ignorance) and `Wasaniah` (idols-sculpture) and at that time people did not have strict faith in their mind about `Tauheed` and Risalaat`. But afterwards, when people started to have faith in their mind about `Tawheed` and `Risalaat`, then the rule was taken off about being Haraam that is related with pictures of animal-idol-sculpture”. (Naujubillah!)

(The answer to this false demand is) There is no reference according to Quraan Shareef and Hadish Shareef about that demand. If that rule about the pictures of animal-idols-sculptures had been being Haraam was `Mansukh` or stopped, then that must have been told by Saiyeeduna Noor I Mujassam, Habeebullah, Hujoor I pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam himself. But we see that, Hazrat Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahu Ta`aala Anhum forbade us to practice picture of animal-idol-sculpture. I further see in Quitaab that, certainly Hazrat Faquih Sahaba I Quiram Rwadiallahi Ta`aala Anhum forbade us to enter into a house or place where picture of animal-idol-sculpture exists. These are the decisions of Saiyeeduna, Noor I Mujassam, Habeebullah, Hujoor I Pak Swallallahi Alaihi wa Sallam and his `Biladaat Shareef` afterwards. From these strict references it proved that, certainly the rule of having `Tasbeer` and that means picture of animal-idol-sculpture are being made Haraam remains still and will be till Quiyamaat, No reference made `Mansukh` or stopped that law. And Saiyeeduna, Noor I Mujassam, Habeebullah, Hujoor i Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam gave the reason about being Haraam of picture of animal-idol-sculpture is that, these expresses similarities with Allah Ta`aala-his creation. And the `Illat` which means reason is not related with any particular age. Rather than, it is Haraam and illegal to create, keep at home, watch and have practice with picture of animal-idol-sculpture forever and at every circumstances.

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-160)


Meaning: Hazrat Imam Ibnu Dwaqeeqeel Eid Rwahmatullahi Alaihi narrates in his Quitaab `Sharhul Umdah` in volume-1, page-11, in the chapter `Janaja` while explaining the 11th Hadish Shareef that, “Those who quotes regarding being Maqruh Tahrimi to deal with picture of animal-idol-sculpture that, this strictness was made near the time of `Jaheliaat` and idol-sculpture. But at this age, that strict orders are not valid as Islam is spreaded,” (Naujubillah!) (Ibnu Dwaqeequl Eid Rwahmatullahi Alaihi says:) At this, the opinion of the followers of `Ahlus Sunnah Wa Jamayah` that means Hanafee, Maleki, Shafiyee, Hambali, Maturidi and Asari says, The statement of the false believers are rejectable. As `Quraan Shareef and Hadish Sahreef narrates about the strict punishment of the people who create picture of animal-idol-sculpture. Even, they will be asked, give life to those that you made. ( But they will not be able to give life to them) These are the clear answers against those false believers. Even Saiyeeduna, Noor I Mujassam, Habeebullah, Hujoor I Pak Swallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam clearly says, “Those who expresses similarities with Allah Ta`aala-his creation (must be punished).” The references prove that they are Haraam. The Fatwa is not applicable for a particular age. We have no right to change the exposex and clear references that is expressed in Quraan Shareef and Hadish Sahreef

(Taqmalaatu Fathil Mulhim Bishrahi Swaheeh Muslim, vol-4, page-161)

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