Saiyeedul Mursaleen, Imamul Mursaleen, Noor-i-Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Swallallahu ‘Aalaihi wa Sallam – HIS slenderer is the Udichi Murtads (renegades) who abused our Rwasool repeatedly saying “Muhammad, son of a bitch” (Naujubillah) in a drama staged in RU.
Instead of repenting and apologizing, they have insolently declared to martyr the Muslims and to stage the drama again with a view to publicize.
Therefore, all the Muslim citizens, get united to implement the Islamic penalty, the “death penalty” to all those mustards (apostates) who staged the infamous drama “Mandar”.
Save your Iman, Be true Muslims and save the country.